Motor Control.....

Hello.. I am planning to make a stepper motor control using my Arduino Uno board.. I have a lot of confusions regarding that... fst of all I wanna know if we can connect a stepper motor directly to Arduino or we need a separate motor driver interface ??? And how much high current rating (and thus torque) motor we can control by this method ???
I heard abt EasyController stepper motor driver.. do we need to compulsarily use that for controlling a motor ??? Then wat abt the upper limit for the motor's current ???

Expecting a quick response :frowning:

You should decide first which motor fits your needs, then which driver board fits that motor, and which motor power supply you need. When you got all that together, you can use almost any stepper motor library to drive your motor.

Did you notice that the forum contains a dedicated Motors... section?

I hope that Stepper Motor Basics will provide a lot of background information. When you have digested it you may have more questions.

It would be a good idea to change the Title of your Thread to include the word "Stepper". If you modify your Original Post you can change the Title.

You will not make friends here with remarks like "Expecting a quick response". Everyone here is giving their time for free. If you are running up to a deadline, that is your problem.


I wanna know if we can connect a stepper motor directly to Arduino


we need a separate motor driver interface


And how much high current rating (and thus torque) motor we can control by this method

As much as you like, given the capacity of your motor driver and power supply.

I heard abt EasyController stepper motor driver.. do we need to compulsarily use that for controlling a motor

No there is no compulsion about using this motor, people do not beat you up or put you in jail if you uses something different.

Then wat abt the upper limit for the motor's current

No upper limit, given the capacity of your motor driver and power supply.