Motor Controller Datasheet Help

Hey all,

I have a motor controller (link and unfortunately the page seems to be a little light on the specifications. I cannot for the life of me figure out what amperage I should feed the IO ports. I looked at the datasheet for the chip mentioned in the title (link and found two values, one for max "Iin," at 500 uA (microamps), and one for max "IC" at 800 mA. Neither of these values seem right to me. Am I reading this right? How much amperage can I pump into this thing without it blowing up? Do I need a resistor, and if so what size? Thanks all.

Iin is the current drawn by the logic section of the chip. 500uA is the maximum that the logic section will consume.

800mA is the maximum current that the chip's output driver section can supply to a motor.

Why would you need a resistor? What would you expect a resistor to do? Where would it go?

I suppose the Imax specification tells that.
IMax Current peak - typical = 1500 maximum = 2000 mA

What are the specifications of your motor? Post a data sheet.

I was mostly just paranoid that I would fry another component, but you have assuaged me of those fears.

I was worried that, because the dataset listed it’s power consumption in microamps, I would destroy it by supplying more than what it asked for. So I was thinking of a ~14kohm resistor between the arduino and the part. That seems silly now because, as you have so astutely pointed out, the part draws current, not the other way around.

Don’t actually have a data sheet for the motor, per se, as it is currently in a furby such that I cannot read the serial number. I do know, however, that 4*AA batteries can run the motor for quite a while, and given that a AA battery has a lifespan of around 1-2Ah, it’s safe to assume the motor has a draw of significantly less.

Thank you so much for your informed response!

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