Motor, Potentiometer , MOS

Hello All,

I would Like to add another motor and potentiometer to this schematic? I already have this one working on my breadboard. So, My next step is to add a second running motor w/ potentiometer. Do I need a second MOS etc. do i connect it to the same power supply?

Please advise,
Bull Engineer

The device is a MOSFET not a MOS. And that's a really nasty circuit using a MOSFET in linear mode where it wastes loads of power getting hot, possibly overheated and dead.

If you really want two circuits you need to duplicate all the motor, MOSFET and potentiometer wiring then you can connect that circuit to the same power supply + and -.


What a wretched circuit - where did you find it? Forget that circuit, you have an Arduino, use
analogWrite() and a MOSFET in switching mode for each motor. Freewheel diodes are also required per motor.

This is the circuit you need, and the MOSFET must be logic level and n-channel:

What a wretched circuit - where did you find it? Forget that circuit, you have an Arduino, use
analogWrite() and a MOSFET in switching mode for each motor. Freewheel diodes are also required per motor.

This is the circuit you need, and the MOSFET must be logic level and n-channel:

Mark that is a great circuit drawing and very helpful too me. However, I am NOT using arduino for the first step of this project. I am going to implement that for the second part of my study. Im studying how arduino made electrical projects easier! so I first need a diagram without arduino then I will use your picture for when I DO use arduino. Think you can advise me?

Before Arduinos we used simpler IC circuits, things like the famous/notorious 555 and before that we made similar circuits but using several discrete transistors. All of these use PWM switching to control the motor.

Controlling motors linearly is not something I've seen done for many man years so why you want to go back that far is difficult to understand. It's like trying to decide why LED lighting is an improvement by going all the way back to gas lights.


Yes, power control is all switchmode today, no more huge heatsinks... A '555 motor control circuit
shuoldn't be too hard to find out there...
For instance:


thank you for sending me that link. It is ground breaking in my studies, However that is one motor one potentiometer. ETC. How would I take that and make it into 4 motors and 4 potentiometers? do I need a seperate power supply/ breadboard for each?

If the power supply is capable of the current, you can share it. Breadboard is limited by its size (and
also current - they are not designed for huge currents, note)

If the power supply is capable of the current, you can share it. Breadboard is limited by its size (and
also current - they are not designed for huge currents, note)

Mark, So if I have 4 bread boards, I could use one large power supply and have it go to each of the breadboards and from there I will have a moving car?

I guess so - get one working first of course!


I wired up a breadboard and too my delight the motor didnt run :o , I must have done the wiring wrong which is tough because the schematic/picture is tough in some spots. Do you have more of a "How to 555 tutorial" ??

Please advise,
