So I need to make a platform move forward and back. I have a servo attached to a threaded rod which then turns and a nut attached to the platform moves it. It works great when I have a code that just starts turning the servo. What I need is to only move when I give it a signal. I am using a Seeedstudio Motor shield V2, and I have a code( I will copy the code for you below) that pretty much says read digital pin whatever and if its HIGH (I apply 5V to it right now manually) then turn the servo. My problem is when I have nothing hooked up to the digital pin then the servo isn't moving. The minute I put a wire in (its not connected to 5V) the servo starts turning as if the pin is HIGH. I also tried with analog pins but had the same issue. Does anyone know what is happening? Is it the shield?
StepperMotorDemo.ino (2.56 KB)