Motor Stopped Working, power problem?

Hello okay so I am an absolute beginner so i might give useless information but here is what's been happening

I have the Arudino Uno board running 1 20KG Large Torque Digital Servo Voltage: 6 ~ 7.4 DC Volts, plugged in to a standard 2 meter extension lead that is plugged in to an RCD plug 240V 13A that is connected to mains supply
that same extension plug is also powering a water pump that has Power of 100W and Voltage of 220V/50Hz The motor and pump ran on Thursday for 9 hours without a problem but on Friday the motor had stopped running 20 minutes after i switched it on but the pump was still working.
I'm in way over my head and can't figure out what to do.
Any advice would be amazing

You've mentioned a pump and a servo. Then you say the motor stopped running. Do you mean the servo or is there some other motor you didn't mention?

There is presumably something between the 240V RCD plug and the Arduino and servo because they definitely won't run on 240VAC. Some sort of power supply? Perhaps that has died.

A few more details might help, a circuit diagram would be good or even a picture or two of the setup. Then there are things like does the servo (or motor) do anything at all? Are there any lights on the Arduino? How exactly that large servo is powered and connected may be important because connecting such things wrong can kill the Arduino over time.


Hi Steve, I've attached a drawing of what the set up looks like hopefully that will be helpful

the servo is on a 180 slow sweep continuously
i don't know if there are light on the arduino as it is at the university art studios right now sorry

thank you so much for replying

Screen Shot 2019-05-18 at 12.53.48.png

O.k. from that picture...the green thing that plugs into the Arduino is some sort of power supply so we need to know it's voltage and current.

But the real problem, if your diagram is right, is that you are powering the servo from the Arduino 5V pin. That is never a good idea and it's a really bad idea for a high power servo like the one you have. The maximum current from that pin is 0.5A but the stall current of that servo is going to be more like 2.5A (could be even more, that's why links to the ACTUAL component are needed). You may have killed the regulator in the Arduino. The higher the voltage from the green thing the more likely it is that the regulator is dead.


Screen Shot 2019-05-18 at 12.53.48.png

It may not be that bad. :roll_eyes:

The diagram could be interpreted to indicate some sort of "Phone Charger" - 5 V 1 A or 2.1 A power supply - plugged into the UNO USB port.

The UNO contains a "polyswitch" 500 mA re-settable fuse between the USB port and the 5 V line. If it is working properly, it will "open" when overloaded, but reset itself in a few hours.

Obviously you would need to connect the power from the "Phone Charger" directly to the "5V" pin and ground and of course to the servo.

If he has attempted to use the useless on-board regulator from "Vin" or the barrel jack, well that is a sad - but only too common given the mendacious information in the Arduino tutorials - mistake. :astonished:

the plug from the arduino is a 9v 1a Adapter, it came with the kit i bought so i didn't give it a second thought that it wouldn't be suitable for this

i am powering it from the 5v pin, what should i do instead of this?

I have bought a second uno board so i can switch it out if i've killed this one by accident, so from what i gather it would be best to use the usb to a phone charger type plug instead?

its all a learning curve i guess :roll_eyes:

That adaptor is o.k. to power the Arduino. You could use a USB charger instead but you still can't run that servo from the 5V pin.

That servo should be powered from something that can provide at least 2A, preferably more. The simplest approach would be to use 5 or 6 NiMH rechargeable AA batteries. Battery + to servo +, battery - to servo - AND to Arduino ground. A good 2S (7.4V) lithium battery would also work.


Hi Steve, thankyou so much for all of your help

I've attached a diagram to check that i've understood right, will that method keep the servo running for 6+ hours? should I plug it in to a usb plug too or will that not make a difference?

I've also attached a photo of the kit that i bought i was wondering if anything included in that would be a better method/could do the job to save me from buying anything extra

it was suggested that this might work what do you think ?

sorry for asking so many questions, thanks again

(here is a list of what is in that photo) 5x White LED

5x Yellow LED

5x Blue LED

5x Green LED

5x Red LED


5x 22pf Ceramic Capacitor

5x 104 Ceramic Capacitor

2x Photoresistor

1x Thermistor

5x Diode Rectifier (1N4007)

2x Electrolytic Capacitor(10UF 50V)

2x Electrolytic Capacitor (100UF 50V)

5x NPN Transistor (PN2222)

5x NPN Transistor (S8050)

1x Tilt Switch

5x Button (small)

1x 1 digit 7-segment Display

1x 4 digit 7-segment Display

1x Sound Sensor Module

1x LCD1602 Module (with pin header)

1x IC L293D

1x IC 74HC595

1x Active Buzzer

1x Passive Buzzer

1x RTC Module

1x DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Module

2x Potentiometer

1x Rotary Encoder Module

1x Joystick Module

1x Keypad Module

1x 5V Relay

1x IR Receiver Module

1x UNO R3 Controller Board

1x Breadboard

1x Servo Motor (SG90)

1x Stepper Motor

1x ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver Board

1x Prototype Expansion

1x Power Supply Module

1x HC-SR501 PIR Motion Sensor

1x Ultrasonic Sensor

1x GY521 Module

1x 3V Motor

1x MAX7219 Module

1x Remote

1x 9V 1A Power Supply

1x 65 Jumper Wire

1x Water Lever Sensor

1x USB Cable

1x 9V Battery with DC

1x RC522 RFID Module

10x Resistor (10R

10x Resistor (100R)

10x Resistor (220R)

10x Resistor (330R

10x Resistor (1K)

10x Resistor (2K)

10x Resistor (5K1)

10x Resistor (10K)

10x Resistor (100K)

10x Resistor (1M)

20x Female-to-male Dupont Wire

Screen Shot 2019-05-18 at 18.15.25.png

The battery connections are fine. But now you don't show any power to the Arduino. As already said the 9V 1A power supply from your kit will probably do for that if it plugs into the round connector. There's nothing else that is useful at the moment.

I don't know about the Amazon link. Why do you think you might need a hard disk connection kit? What is it for?

I have no idea how long a battery charge might last. It depends on exactly what batteries you use, how much the servo is used, how much load is on the servo etc. There are other ways to power everything if you'd prefer to have it all plugged into the mains, but they may involve some simple soldering.


if i get this and plug it in to the usb on the arduino along with the power supply i already have will that do the job?

No. That's a battery charger. It is for charging batteries not powering things.

Anyway since the main point is NOT to have the servo powered via the Arduino there is obviously nothing that you can plug into the Arduino that will do what you need.

You could replace the battery in your last diagram with a 6V 2A (at least) power supply. But you'll need to work out some way to connect the power to the servo. I'd just cut off whatever output plug it comes with and solder connections to the servo but there are other ways.
