I was just wondering what motor should I use to click a button, one strong enough to click a button and preferably fast.
Perhaps a servo, which are easy to code.
I think the mechanical aspects of this, mounting a motor over your button so it can reach it reliably and not look like a total dog's breakfast will be the tricky part. Do you need to be able to restore the equipment to original condition one day? Do you need finger access to the button while the motor is mounted over it, for normal operation? Is it just one button or are there many in close proximity, like say a keypad?
I wonder if this isn't an xy problem: is there no way to access the wiring that the button connects to, and come up with an electronic solution?
What would initiate the motion of the motor btw?- pressing another button? That actually appeals to me: press a button to have a motor press another one
As you can see if I follow this format the button is hardly accessible, how can I make it easier to access.
Did you accidentally post to the wrong forum?
As you can see ..
I don't see what you are talking about.
... if I follow this format ...
What format?
... the button is hardly accessible, ...
None of what you posted is accessible. No problem, we call that post-postmodern.
... how can I make it easier to access[?]
Tell us what you are talking about.
Or postmortem.
Perhaps related to this (equally cryptic) thread?
As you can see if I follow this format the button is hardly accessible, how can I make it easier to access.
To make button more accessible, make it bigger and/or stick it up in the air a bit.
Glad to help - Steve
He's probably just trying to make a Useless Machine. But that'd be a switch rather than a button.
Merged 2 button topics