Hi everyone, Needed some help here
so basically what I'm trying to do is to make a Quick Shifter for motorcycle
Quick Brief
Quick shifter is a method to upshift gear on an engine without using the clutch or blip the throttle, it works by cutting the ignition or fuel on desired duration
So I've done some projects using Arduino to make this kind of tech that is also used on MotoGP.
The only problem that I have is the technical method that I want to change, as I mentioned in a quick brief above, I'm using cutting the ignition coil method for 85-115ms cut duration.
it works just fine, but it can be jerky sometimes and also can make a tire slip during shifting if the road is wet. what I have done is add some ripple effects to it, instead of cutting just 1 time per shift, i make it 2 so for example if I set the cut-off ignition timing for 100ms, it will be divided by 2 so, 50ms then 50ms ( Cutting twice ) it did reduce the slip, but not eliminating it.
I've done some research and that there are more techniques for making a quick shifter, By cutting the fuel or cutting the ignition coil, There is also a technique for lowering the voltage supply to the coil in the desired time
Here are some examples of videos that show quick-shifters on a motorcycle
Here the visual analyst of the sound
Here the visual analyst of the sound
As you can see and hear the difference between these 2 videos is that they sound different during shifting and also use different techniques to achieve quick shifter
I believe video 1 uses cutting the ignition for a certain time ( like mine because it sounds exactly like mine when shifting)
and as you can see also the visual analyst the graph showing for video number 2 is smoother than video number 1 during shifting.
so I wanted to achieve a quick-shifter like a video number 2 but the problem is i don't know how, either is by lowering the voltage to the ignition coil or just adding ripple effects during the cut timing.
i wanted to try by lowering the supply voltage to the ignition coil method, but it seems to be risky and not a good idea, since the coil will draw so much power both voltage and ampere i believe so i might consider this for the last option
what i meant by adding the ripple effects is just on and off very fast during timing, for example, if i set the cut-off for 100ms, during the process, its just on and off very fast in until 100ms is reached.
so, do any of you guys have an idea which method I should try? or maybe you have any feedback for this to acheiving the goals
*i already have quick shifter, why would I change it anyway? because its for my safety and sounds waaay cooler *