Motors act strangely when only motor shield is powered

I am currently using the attached 2DW Robot Chassis. 2 geared DC motors are used. I am controlling the motors with an Arduino Leonardo and a motor driver that is essentially identical to Adafruit's Motor Driver v2.0. The issue is that when I supply power to the Arduino via either the USB cable (attached to my laptop) or via the power jack (with a 12V DC supply), the motors do what my code tells them to do. However, when I supply power to the motor shield via the power terminals using either 5, 6, or 8 AA batteries, the motors seem to just do whatever they want. They start by jerking around a little, then run continuously until I disconnect a battery. I have the VIN jumper attached to the shield, and the Arduino power LED says that it is on; it just doesn't seem to be transferring the proper instructions, but it does when I power the Arduino and not the shield. In all cases, the power LED on the shield is on.

I have seen several sources saying it is unwise to power the Arduino and the motors using the same power source, but what other option is there for a mobile robot?

My code:

#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_MotorShield.h>
#include "utility/Adafruit_MS_PWMServoDriver.h"

Adafruit_MotorShield AFMS = Adafruit_MotorShield();

Adafruit_DCMotor *leftMotor = AFMS.getMotor(1);
Adafruit_DCMotor *rightMotor = AFMS.getMotor(2);

void setup() {

void stopMotors() {
leftMotor -> setSpeed(0);
rightMotor -> setSpeed(0);
leftMotor -> run(RELEASE);
rightMotor -> run(RELEASE);

void loop() {
// both motors run at 50% speed for 2 seconds
leftMotor -> setSpeed(128);
leftMotor -> run(FORWARD);
rightMotor -> setSpeed(128);
rightMotor -> run(FORWARD);


// left turn for 1 second
leftMotor -> run(BACKWARD);
rightMotor -> run(FORWARD);
leftMotor -> setSpeed(128);
rightMotor -> setSpeed(128);


// forward again
leftMotor -> setSpeed(128);
leftMotor -> run(FORWARD);
rightMotor -> setSpeed(128);
rightMotor -> run(FORWARD);


// rotate right at 25% speed
leftMotor -> run(FORWARD);
rightMotor -> run(BACKWARD);
leftMotor -> setSpeed(64);
rightMotor -> setSpeed(64);



Am I correct to assume that when the Leonardo is powered from the USB port or the power jack the motors are powered from the batteries?

If so my guess is that the motors are causing the battery voltage to fluctuate beyond what is acceptable for the Arduino and it is resetting multiple times or otherwise misbehaving.

Have you tried powering the Arduino from a separate set of batteries?


I have seen several sources saying it is unwise to power the Arduino and the motors using the same power source, but what other option is there for a mobile robot?

Use two power sources. This isn't rocket science. If your main traction battery runs down you really
don't want your controller to go haywire - for instance that can cause the traction battery to get
discharged to 0V and permanently ruined. The brain must work even when the brawn is exhausted
if only to safely shutdown the robot.