I'm building a line follower robot as a college project and using this L293D shield seemed like a good solution for motor control/powering.
It goes back and forth, turns left and right, everything works. Problem is... it lasts about 10 seconds before the motors start to slow down to a point where the robot can't move.
I'm powering my Arduino Uno with a 9v battery and the shield with a 11.1v 2200mah Li-Po Battery (and I'm sure they're not under-charged or anything). I removed the jumper that prevents the shield from using a different power source, so they use the Li-Po. The robot moves with 2 5v 330rpm DC motors.
Whenever I turn on the system, I notice the shield gets very hot, and I assume I gotta blame those 2,2A from the Li-Po. However, I've seen videos where people use batteries like this and things work just right. Could that really be the problem?
I appreciate any help!