Motorshield using only a few pins

I want to power 2 unipolar stepper motors with my arduino uno. Therefor I wanted to use the Adafruit Motor Shield V2 (Adafruit Motor/Stepper/Servo Shield for Arduino v2 Kit [v2.3] : ID 1438 : $19.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits) that supports motors from 4.5V to 13.5V until I regonized it doesent support my motors (2 x Vexta PX244M, 4V, 1.2A). Is there any way I can use this shield or is there something similar (I will need around 10 pins for sensors).

Run it at 4.5V, the driver chip has significant on-resistance so you'll lose at least 0.5V anyway.

Adafruit Motor Shield V2

V2 has the TB6612 Mosfet driver chip.