Mounting an Arduino Mega

I ran into a problem mounting my new Arduino Mega. The mounting holes are so close to the connectors that there isn't room for even a #4 machine screw. The screw can't extend beyond the top of the on board sockets or it will interfere with the connections. This board will be mounted on a flat surface along with 8 or 9 other boards that it will be driving.

So has anyone just used some RTV silicone glue to mount an Arduino? I'd just put a bead of adhesive directly under the connectors. It would be a pretty permanent mounting, but that's what I expect it to be. to remove it I'd have to cut through the adhesive with a razor.

You can use silicone, glue, super glue, velcro, double sided tape.. Whatever you need to do.

Go see how he did it

That's a nice looking mount and is what I've been trying to do, but the smallest head (cheese head) on an M3 is 5.5 mm dia - too big. A #4 with a fillister head may fit. With a head diameter of 4.6 mm there should be a .15 mm clearance. The smallest #4 nut is .22", 5.6 mm across the points and will short adjacent pins on the bottom of the board. I'm just going to glue it to the surface.