Mouse clicks control with micro pro

I am using

  • micro pro arduino
  • switch 1(momentary switch) as right click of the mouse
  • switch 2 as (momentary switch) as left click of the mouse
  • joystick to move the mouse arrow

I managed to move the arrow of the mouse with joystick and can click the switch one (right click) working ok

but there is a problem with adding switch 2 it keep clicking with automatically

if (digitalRead(selpin2) == HIGH) {;

Why it is keep clicking and how to fix it as the right switch

Here is the code

#include <Mouse.h>
int horzPin = A0;  // Analog output of horizontal joystick pin
int vertPin = A1;  // Analog output of vertical joystick pin
int selPin  = 7;  // select button pin of  right click
int selpin2 = 9;  // select button pin for left click

int vertZero, horzZero;  // Stores the initial value of each axis, usually around 512
int vertValue, horzValue;  // Stores current analog output of each axis
const int sensitivity = 200;  // Higher sensitivity value = slower mouse, should be <= about 500
int mouseClickFlag = 0;

//int invertMouse = 1;        //Invert joystick based on orientation
int invertMouse = -1;         //Noninverted joystick based on orientation

void setup()
  pinMode(horzPin, INPUT);  // Set both analog pins as inputs
  pinMode(vertPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(selPin, INPUT);  // set button select pin as input
  pinMode(selpin2, INPUT);  // set button select pin as input
  digitalWrite(selPin, HIGH);  // button select pin high
  delay(1000);  // short delay to let outputs settle
  vertZero = analogRead(vertPin);  // get the initial values
  horzZero = analogRead(horzPin);  // Joystick should be in neutral position when reading these

  Mouse.begin(); //Init mouse emulation

void loop()
  vertValue = analogRead(vertPin) - vertZero;  // read vertical offset
  horzValue = analogRead(horzPin) - horzZero;  // read horizontal offset

  if (digitalRead(selpin2) == HIGH) {;

  if (vertValue != 0)
    Mouse.move(0, (invertMouse * (vertValue / sensitivity)), 0); // move mouse on y axis
  if (horzValue != 0)
    Mouse.move((invertMouse * (horzValue / sensitivity)), 0, 0); // move mouse on x axis

  if ((digitalRead(selPin) == 0) && (!mouseClickFlag))  // if the button switch 1 right is pressed
    mouseClickFlag = 1;;  // click the right button down
  else if ((digitalRead(selPin)) && (mouseClickFlag)) // if the button switch 1 right is not pressed
    mouseClickFlag = 0;
    Mouse.release(MOUSE_RIGHT);  // release the right button


No time for switch debounce procedures...??

I think this is the problem but if i added a click flag or something like in the right button, both switches do not working fine

Plenty of videos around on how and why to connect switches to Arduino, preferred methods and ways to debounce both software (preferred by most) or hardware.

Can you include complete schematic of your setup?
No fritzing PLEASE.!!!!!

Best read this also.....

You need to send a mouse click when a button gets pressed, not if a button is pressed.

To do that, you need to keep track of the previous state of the button and compare it to the current state. Look at the State Change Detection example (File->examples->>State Change Detection)

You have to do this independently for both switches.

added the schematic to the topic

tried to do so but when trying to press both button they (both buttons) do not working

According to your schematic, you have the button wired between the pin and ground which is good, but you need to declare the pin as INPUT_PULLUP to make it work. It will read HIGH when not pressed and LOW when pressed.

  pinMode(selPin, INPUT_PULLUP);  // set button select pin as input
  pinMode(selpin2, INPUT_PULLUP);  // set button select pin as input

I managed to solve the problem by making both switch working independently

#include <Mouse.h>
int horzPin = A0;  // Analog output of horizontal joystick pin
int vertPin = A1;  // Analog output of vertical joystick pin
int selPin  = 7;  // button of sw 1
int selpin2 = 9;  // button of sw 2

int vertZero, horzZero;  // Stores the initial value of each axis, usually around 512
int vertValue, horzValue;  // Stores current analog output of each axis
const int sensitivity = 200;  // Higher sensitivity value = slower mouse, should be <= about 500
int mouseClickFlag = 0;       //click check sw 1
int b1flag = 0;               //click check sw2

//int invertMouse = 1;        //Invert joystick based on orientation
int invertMouse = -1;         //Noninverted joystick based on orientation

void setup()
  pinMode(horzPin, INPUT);  // Set both analog pins as inputs
  pinMode(vertPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(selPin, INPUT);  // set button select pin as input
  pinMode(selpin2, INPUT);  // set button select pin as input
  digitalWrite(selPin, HIGH);  // Pull button select pin high
  digitalWrite(selpin2, HIGH);  // Pull button select pin high
  delay(1000);  // short delay to let outputs settle
  vertZero = analogRead(vertPin);  // get the initial values
  horzZero = analogRead(horzPin);  // Joystick should be in neutral position when reading these

  Mouse.begin(); //Init mouse emulation

void loop()
  vertValue = analogRead(vertPin) - vertZero;  // read vertical offset
  horzValue = analogRead(horzPin) - horzZero;  // read horizontal offset

  if (vertValue != 0)
    Mouse.move(0, (invertMouse * (vertValue / sensitivity)), 0); // move mouse on y axis
  if (horzValue != 0)
    Mouse.move((invertMouse * (horzValue / sensitivity)), 0, 0); // move mouse on x axis

  if ((digitalRead(selPin) == 0) && (!mouseClickFlag))  // if the button 1 is pressed
    mouseClickFlag = 1;;  // click the right button down
  else if ((digitalRead(selPin)) && (mouseClickFlag)) // if the button 1 is not pressed
    mouseClickFlag = 0;
    Mouse.release(MOUSE_RIGHT);  // release the right button

// second button
  if ((digitalRead(selpin2) == 0) && (!b1flag))  // if the button 2 is pressed
     b1flag = 1;;
  else if ((digitalRead(selpin2)) && (b1flag))  // if the button 2 is not pressed
    b1flag = 0;
    Mouse.release(MOUSE_LEFT);  // release the left button

It is working fine now.

I am now think to add rotary encoder to add zoom in and out feature(scroll down and up) do you have a docs for this, if so i will be really appreciated

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