Good Morning Keyboard Warriors
I have managed to read too much and now I'm so confused that I need some direction or a good tutorial that explains what is what better.
I am attempting to take an often used piece(s) of code(s) and make libraries out of them. I have read several tutorials and the separation of the code from a working version in the IDE to a library is my sticking point. What is supposed to go where.
What I have done so far:
Below is an example piece of code that I used for the 4x4 keypads. When the button is pressed the variable "button" is changed to the button value.
What I am looking to do is to take the large block of scan code that is in the loop area and move it to the library. This would mean that I would need some function identifier to trigger the scan. I have selected "scanKeypad" as that marker. I would put that at the top of the loop cycle and just below it "if (button !=0){action();} This would look like:
void loop()
if (button !=0){action();}
}//end of loop
The action function is where a reaction to the button press would happen and would not be part of the library.
I have created a keypad.h file and a keypad.cpp file but all I have are the headers to place the instructions between. The part I have muddled is how the function identifier (scanKeypad) would be defined, which of the files it would go in and how to basicly construct the assembly. See below for the example code. (yes I know there is already a library for this)
* first attempt at taking oft used code and creating a library
* this version to use a 4x4 keypad
* the scanKeypad function is the part I wish to export to a library
* upon press, the 1-9 buttons output 1-9, 0button=10, *button=11, #button=12, Abutton=13, Bbutton=14, Cbutton=15, Dbutton=16
//rows and collums of the keypad
const int col1=2;
const int col2=3;
const int col3=4;
const int col4=5;
const int row1=6;
const int row2=7;
const int row3=8;
const int row4=9;
int button=0; //used to recieve the number of the button that is pressed
void setup() {
pinMode (row1, OUTPUT); //rows and collums of the keypad setup for scan
pinMode (row2, OUTPUT);
pinMode (row3, OUTPUT);
pinMode (row4, OUTPUT);
pinMode (col1, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode (col2, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode (col3, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode (col4, INPUT_PULLUP);
void loop() {
//scan keypad for button press
digitalWrite(row1, LOW); //set row 1 to be scanned
digitalWrite(row2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(row3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(row4, HIGH);
if (digitalRead(col1) == LOW) //scan 1 button for press
while (digitalRead(col1) == LOW)
button = 1;
if (digitalRead(col2) == LOW)//scan 2 button for press
while (digitalRead(col2) == LOW)
button = 2;
if (digitalRead(col3) == LOW)//scan 3 button for press
while (digitalRead(col3) == LOW)
button = 3;
if (digitalRead(col4) == LOW)//scan 13 button for press
delay(15); //A button
while (digitalRead(col4) == LOW)
button = 13;
digitalWrite(row1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(row2, LOW); //set row 2 to be scanned
digitalWrite(row3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(row4, HIGH);
if (digitalRead(col1) == LOW)// scan 4 button for press
while (digitalRead(col1) == LOW)
button = 4;
if (digitalRead(col2) == LOW)// scan 5 button for press
while (digitalRead(col2) == LOW)
button = 5;
if (digitalRead(col3) == LOW)//scan 6 button for press
while (digitalRead(col3) == LOW)
button = 6;
if (digitalRead(col4) == LOW)//scan 14 button for press
delay(15); //B button
while (digitalRead(col4) == LOW)
button = 14;
digitalWrite(row1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(row2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(row3, LOW); //set row 3 for scan
digitalWrite(row4, HIGH);
if (digitalRead(col1) == LOW)// scan 7 button for press
while (digitalRead(col1) == LOW)
button = 7;
if (digitalRead(col2) == LOW)// scan 8 button for press
while (digitalRead(col2) == LOW)
button = 8;
if (digitalRead(col3) == LOW)//scan 9 button for press
while (digitalRead(col3) == LOW)
button = 9;
if (digitalRead(col4) == LOW)//scan 15 button for press
delay(15); //C button
while (digitalRead(col4) == LOW)
button = 15;
digitalWrite(row1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(row2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(row3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(row4, LOW); //set row 4 for scan
if (digitalRead(col1) == LOW)//scan 11 button for press
while (digitalRead(col1) == LOW)
button = 11;
if (digitalRead(col2) == LOW)//scan 10 button for press
delay(15); while (digitalRead(col2) == LOW)
button = 10;
if (digitalRead(col3) == LOW)//scan 12 button for press
delay(15); while (digitalRead(col3) == LOW)
button = 12;
if (digitalRead(col4) == LOW)//scan 16 button for press
delay(15); while (digitalRead(col4) == LOW)
button = 16;
}//D button
//decide where to send the program
if (button!=0)
button=0; //clear button back to 0
}//end of loop
void action()
if (button==1){/* do 1 button stuff */}
if (button==2){/* do 2 button stuff */}
if (button==3){/* do 3 button stuff */}
if (button==4){/* do 4 button stuff */}
if (button==5){/* do 5 button stuff */}
if (button==6){/* do 6 button stuff */}
if (button==7){/* do 7 button stuff */}
if (button==8){/* do 8 button stuff */}
if (button==9){/* do 9 button stuff */}
if (button==10){/* do 10 button stuff */}
if (button==11){/* do 11 button stuff */}
if (button==12){/* do 12 button stuff */}
if (button==13){/* do 13 button stuff */}
if (button==14){/* do 14 button stuff */}
if (button==15){/* do 15 button stuff */}
if (button==16){/* do 16 button stuff */}
} //end of action
Here is what I have so far in the keypad.h file.
#ifndef KEYPAD_H
#define KEYPAD_H
#include <Arduino.h>
Here is what I have so far in the keypad.cpp file
#include "keypad.h"
I feel like I could make a separate function out of that section of code in the regular IDE and call it from the loop then I should be able to just be able to move it to a library and it will act the same way as if I was calling it from the loop. Yes?
this would look like:
void loop()
if (button!=0) {action();}
}//end of loop
void scanKeypad()
//scan keypad for button press
digitalWrite(row1, LOW); //set row 1 to be scanned
digitalWrite(row2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(row3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(row4, HIGH);
if (digitalRead(col1) == LOW) //scan 1 button for press
while (digitalRead(col1) == LOW)
button = 1;
if (digitalRead(col2) == LOW)//scan 2 button for press
while (digitalRead(col2) == LOW)
button = 2;
if (digitalRead(col3) == LOW)//scan 3 button for press
while (digitalRead(col3) == LOW)
button = 3;
if (digitalRead(col4) == LOW)//scan 13 button for press
delay(15); //A button
while (digitalRead(col4) == LOW)
button = 13;
digitalWrite(row1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(row2, LOW); //set row 2 to be scanned
digitalWrite(row3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(row4, HIGH);
if (digitalRead(col1) == LOW)// scan 4 button for press
while (digitalRead(col1) == LOW)
button = 4;
if (digitalRead(col2) == LOW)// scan 5 button for press
while (digitalRead(col2) == LOW)
button = 5;
if (digitalRead(col3) == LOW)//scan 6 button for press
while (digitalRead(col3) == LOW)
button = 6;
if (digitalRead(col4) == LOW)//scan 14 button for press
delay(15); //B button
while (digitalRead(col4) == LOW)
button = 14;
digitalWrite(row1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(row2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(row3, LOW); //set row 3 for scan
digitalWrite(row4, HIGH);
if (digitalRead(col1) == LOW)// scan 7 button for press
while (digitalRead(col1) == LOW)
button = 7;
if (digitalRead(col2) == LOW)// scan 8 button for press
while (digitalRead(col2) == LOW)
button = 8;
if (digitalRead(col3) == LOW)//scan 9 button for press
while (digitalRead(col3) == LOW)
button = 9;
if (digitalRead(col4) == LOW)//scan 15 button for press
delay(15); //C button
while (digitalRead(col4) == LOW)
button = 15;
digitalWrite(row1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(row2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(row3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(row4, LOW); //set row 4 for scan
if (digitalRead(col1) == LOW)//scan 11 button for press
while (digitalRead(col1) == LOW)
button = 11;
if (digitalRead(col2) == LOW)//scan 10 button for press
delay(15); while (digitalRead(col2) == LOW)
button = 10;
if (digitalRead(col3) == LOW)//scan 12 button for press
delay(15); while (digitalRead(col3) == LOW)
button = 12;
if (digitalRead(col4) == LOW)//scan 16 button for press
delay(15); while (digitalRead(col4) == LOW)
button = 16;
}//D button
//return to loop with the button variable adjusted to the current button being pressed if any
void action()
if (button==1){/* do 1 button stuff */}
if (button==2){/* do 2 button stuff */}
if (button==3){/* do 3 button stuff */}
if (button==4){/* do 4 button stuff */}
if (button==5){/* do 5 button stuff */}
if (button==6){/* do 6 button stuff */}
if (button==7){/* do 7 button stuff */}
if (button==8){/* do 8 button stuff */}
if (button==9){/* do 9 button stuff */}
if (button==10){/* do 10 button stuff */}
if (button==11){/* do 11 button stuff */}
if (button==12){/* do 12 button stuff */}
if (button==13){/* do 13 button stuff */}
if (button==14){/* do 14 button stuff */}
if (button==15){/* do 15 button stuff */}
if (button==16){/* do 16 button stuff */}
} //end of action
Now the question is what goes where? Am I on the right track?
Your education in this would be very much appreciated