I have some code that works great for reading and parsing the mass from a balance when in the void loop() section but I tried moving it to a function to clean things up a bit and now it is giving strange results. any hekp would be appreciated
void setup()
Serial1.begin(2400); // Initialize serial port to send and receive at 2400 baud
void loop()
long getMass(){
long value=0;
//long massNow=0;
if(Serial1.available())//gather mass on balance into massNow
char ch = Serial1.read();
if(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') // is this an ascii digit between 0 and 9?
value = (value * 10) + (ch - '0'); // yes, accumulate the value
else if (ch == 10) // is the character the newline character
//massNow = value; // set blinkrate to the accumulated value
//value = 0; // reset val to 0 ready for the next sequence of digits
return value;
long massNow=0;
long value = 0;
void setup()
Serial1.begin(2400); // Initialize serial port to send and receive at 2400 baud
void loop()
{ if(Serial1.available())//gather mass on balance into massNow
char ch = Serial1.read();
if(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') // is this an ascii digit between 0 and 9?
value = (value * 10) + (ch - '0'); // yes, accumulate the value
else if (ch == 10) // is the character the newline character
massNow = value; // set blinkrate to the accumulated value
value = 0; // reset val to 0 ready for the next sequence of digits
output is "7766" repeating as expected and what is displayed on balance.
I changed the if Serial.available to while serial.available and seems to be doing what I need.
can you elaborate on how to implement this. I think I see how the "if serial.available" is not really what I need but I dont know enough about serial connection yet to understand how to have it grab what I need.
It depends on how you want to use this.
I'd probably want my code to be non-blocking, so the "delay" has to go, and I can't see the point of the "flush" so that may as well go too.
If you're going to call the function every time through "loop", but only want to print when you've got a new value, then you need to signal somehow that reception isn't complete and that you should not print.
You could do this by having the function return status rather than a value, and pass the return value by reference, or by pointer.
Or you could use the Serial event mechanism, and pass the value via a global.
Thanks guys!
yes the flush() is useless I was trying a few things to try and get things working as 5pm rolled around; same with the delay. The serial.println was just debugging to see what was going on.
What i am trying accomplish is read a weight from a scale as a motor is turning an auger and adding mass to the scale. As the mass approaches the desired weight, slow down the auger and stop when desired weight is reached. The balance will continually output the mass via rs232 in what seems like every half second, ending with a newline. So I envision continually updatign a variable with that data and controlling a if statement based on the weight variable.
The original code, before I tried to put it in a function, seemed to be outputting just what I needed, so I am a bit confused why it would matter once I put it in a function call. BTW this is my first Arduino project, so I am learning a lot here.
I think the serial.event() function may be a better method and will try playing with that tomorrow. Thanks for the lead.
I think the serial.event() function may be a better method
No magic bullet there. The serialEvent() method is called on every pass through loop(), if there is serial data to be read. There is nothing about that call that can't be accomplished in your existing function.