mp3 files on SD card

In der Schule müssen wir selbstständig ein Arduino Projekt planen und zum laufen bringen. Deshalb hatten wir uns überlegt einen Teddybären so zu verändern., dass dieser, wenn man ihm auf die Hand drückt eine Melodie abspielt. Wir haben:

~ein Ethernetshiled
~einen Arduino
~eine Micro SD Card
~keine Ahnung was wir damit tun sollen

Für das Projekt haben wir bis Ende Dezember Zeit. Bitte helft uns deshalb schnell!

Since we have to make an Arduino project for school, we dicided to make a teddy bear which can play mp3 file when you press a button (which we want to put in it´s hand)
we already have:
~an Ethernetshiled
~an Arduino
~a Micro SD Card
~no idea what to do
Please help us fast because we have to finish the project till the end of December.

MP3 is too complex for the Arduino to de-compress on the fly. To play MP3 files I recommend you get an MP3 Shield that has the SD card slot and MP3 decoder chip.

Sparkfun: SparkFun MP3 Player Shield - DEV-12660 - SparkFun Electronics $39.95

An alternative is to use WAV (uncompressed audio) files. This requires less hardware:

Adafruit Wave Shield for Arduino Kit [v1.1] : ID 94 : $22.00 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits $22.00

MP3 is too complex for the Arduino to de-compress on the fly. To play MP3 files I recommend you get an MP3 Shield that has the SD card slot and MP3 decoder chip.

Sparkfun: SparkFun MP3 Player Shield - DEV-12660 - SparkFun Electronics $39.95

An alternative is to use WAV (uncompressed audio) files. This requires less hardware:

Adafruit Wave Shield for Arduino Kit [v1.1] : ID 94 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits $22.00

this is cheaper than sparkfun and can play 44,100hz mp3 files, supports standard RS232 serial communication and 5volts with arduino
US $24.98

the same i am using in my arduino star wars blaster project,109432.0.html

ah okay. Thanks alot for your help :slight_smile: