December 15, 2014, 4:26am
hi guys,
i am currently doing a project much like a motion tracking controller using MPU-9150 and arduino uno.
i have made the basic I2C connections and i am getting the raw sensor output. i want to convert this raw sensor output to angles(pitch, roll and yaw).
I know this is possible by this link...
SFE_MPU9150 Library AHRS Data Fusion Example Code
Kris Winer for Sparkfun Electronics
Original Creation Date: April 8, 2014
The MPU9150 is a versatile 9DOF sensor. It has a built-in
accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer that
functions over I2C. It is very similar to the 6 DoF MPU6050 for which an extensive library has already been built.
Most of the function of the MPU9150 can utilize the MPU6050 library.
This Arduino sketch utilizes Jeff Rowberg's MPU6050 library to generate the basic sensor data
for use in two sensor fusion algorithms becoming increasingly popular with DIY quadcopter and robotics engineers.
I have added and slightly modified Jeff's library here.
This simple sketch will demo the following:
* How to create a MPU6050 object, using a constructor (global variables section).
* How to use the initialize() function of the MPU6050 class.
* How to read the gyroscope, accelerometer, and magnetometer
This file has been truncated. show original
i am getting several errors... can any one help me out here...
thank you in advance...
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