I have a bit of a problem trying to calibrate my MPU6050. My question is, Will the accelerometer always give me the same reading wherever I use it if it has the same orientation?
I have been trying to get my offset readings by averaging 100 readings and I got a value of almost 200. Next time I used it, it had almost the same orientation and I was expecting it to read 200 +- 50 or something. It gave me 600.. I don't really know how should I get my offset values. I am trying to do this to prevent calibration each time I am making a run and that it would also result in a crash if I was starting from a tiltled ground. I am working on a quadcopter.


You need to calibrate each axis independently for gain and offset corrections. Once done, you should not need to do it again. Adafruit has a tutorial here: Programming and Calibration | ADXL345 Digital Accelerometer | Adafruit Learning System

will you please explain what's the gain exactly?
Thanks a lot for your reply

gain is also called sensitivity.

If you orient the accelerometer so that each axis points straight up (or down), the value reported for g, the acceleration due to gravity, will in general not be the same for each axis. That is because the gain is not the same along each axis. So, you use a multiplying correction factor.

Hi guys,

I'm starting to work with MPU6050, I bought the Olimex 6050.

BUT..... I can't find pin out, googled but nothing! Any of you may help me please?
