mpu6050 experienced user needed . Will pay if requested

I am trying to measure rotation angles. Simple Teaot example. But quaternion values are not making any sense. processing skecth is working . i can rotate the object but i need to determine certain angles in order to create alert for some application. But same rotation does not produce same results

But same rotation does not produce same results

An MPU6050 measures acceleration, not angles. Unless you have the device attached to a device that can generate the same acceleration every time, you can't expect to get the "same results".

It it the integration of the acceleration over time that produces angles. If the acceleration is not exactly the same, the results won't be exactly the same.

I suggest in the MPU6050_DMP6 example, #define OUTPUT_READABLE_YAWPITCHROLL. Check the serial console output and see if that is what you want. If you put the MPU6050 on a level surface, the orientation pitch and roll angles should be close to zero. If you tilt the MPU6050 45 degrees on the pitch or roll axis then put it back on the surface, are you saying the pitch or roll angles do not go back close to the original values?

Note the MPU6050 orientation angles drift (especially, yaw) for about 30 seconds after power up so give it some time to settle down. The teapot sketch shows this drift.