MPU6050 FIFO always same Values


iam using the mpu6050 and want to run the fifo buffer, but i get always the same values, though I activated all Sensor Data.

What I did (pseudocode):

MPU6050_reset(); //Trigger a full device reset
delay(50) //wait 50msec
MPU6050_setSleepEnabled(FALSE); //Set sleep mode status
MPU6050_setDLPF_CFG(1); //Set DLPF to 184/188 Hz
MPU6050_setSMPLRT_DIV(1) //Set SMPLRT_DIV to 1 for 500Hz
MPU6050_setFullScaleGyroRange(MPU6050_GYRO_FS_250); //Set GYRO Range to 250
MPU6050_setFullScaleAccelRange(MPU6050_ACCEL_FS_2); //Set ACC Range to 2g
MPU6050_setFIFO_OFLOW_EN(TRUE); //Set FIFO Buffer Overflow interrupt enabled status
MPU6050_setFIFO_EN_XG_YG_ZG_ACCEL(TRUE) //Set FIFO enabled for all Sensor Data
MPU6050_setFIFO_start(TRUE) //Start FIFO
delay(160) //wait for 960Byte
MPU6050_setFIFO_stop(TRUE) //Stop FIFO

check if (mpu6050_Fifo_Overflow) MPU6050_reset_FIFO(); //Check for FIFO Overflow
MPU_6050_getFIFOCount(fifo_count); //Read FIFOCOUNT Data
fifo_count /= 12;
MPU6050_read_FIFO_R_W(BUFFER); //Read FIFO_R_W Data (uint8t Buffer [fifo_count])


Mistake ? (fifo_count appear correct = 80)
Problem: All Values in the Buffer are the same. Did I a Mistake or now someone this Problem.