I'm completely new to arduino. I'm using an accelerometer+gyroscope MPU6050 for my project. I've connected the accelerometer to the arduino and the I2C scanner finds my device. But when I open the serial monitor I'm getting all the accelerometer and gyroscope values as -1.
I've also installed the MPU6050 and I2C libraries but I'm not finding it in the examples in the IDE.
I got the code from Arduino Playground - MPU-6050 in Short Example Sketch.
I've also attached a picture of my serial monitor along.
Any help would be appreciated.
A value of -1 usually means that the device is not connected. I guess there is a problem in the wiring. Please provide a wiring diagram of your setup and a link to the breakout board you're using (there are dozens of MPU6050 boards with different circuits).