MPU6050/GY521 not reading proper values

I'm completely new to arduino. I'm using an accelerometer+gyroscope MPU6050 for my project. I've connected the accelerometer to the arduino and the I2C scanner finds my device. But when I open the serial monitor I'm getting all the accelerometer and gyroscope values as -1.
I've also installed the MPU6050 and I2C libraries but I'm not finding it in the examples in the IDE.
I got the code from Arduino Playground - MPU-6050 in Short Example Sketch.
I've also attached a picture of my serial monitor along.
Any help would be appreciated.


A value of -1 usually means that the device is not connected. I guess there is a problem in the wiring. Please provide a wiring diagram of your setup and a link to the breakout board you're using (there are dozens of MPU6050 boards with different circuits).

Did the I2C scanner find it at address 0x69 and you use the short example with 0x68 ?

Thanks pylon and Koepel for the reply.

I wired up my circuit once again and it read the proper values. Probably there was a mistake in the wiring.
Thanks again! :wink: