MPU6050 sampling rate

Hello guys.
I am an engineering student, and I have been working on some signal processing projects. Immediately the arduino plus the aforementioned accelerometer came in mind. Long story short, the idea is to sample a system's input, take its FFT, sample the system's output, take its FFT, and then calculate the transfer function of the said system. Before you guys ask, the brute processing itself is being made by MATLAB. In resume, I want to experimentally calculate the frequency response of a system. The arduino plus accelerometer are needed only for the signal collecting.
So I came across a question, upon developing the project. Turns out I need really high sampling rates (700Hz or more). The goal is to achieve 1Khz sampling rate. So, I ask of you fellow arduino users. Has someone stumbled upon the same questions as I? And does anyone know the maximum sampling rate I can obtain with the arduino+accelerometer?

The accelerator of the MPU-6050 can do max 1000Hz and the gyro 8000Hz. I have also seen examples that use 1000Hz data rate.
But a normal Arduino Uno might have troubles to transfer the data to the computer.
The Arduino Due is better for this. The Due might even do some data compressing.

This is a guide for Kalman filter : Guide to gyro and accelerometer with Arduino including Kalman filtering - Sensors - Arduino Forum
At the bottom of the first post is a link for the MPU-6050.
The code for the MPU-6050 shows 1000Hz sample rate : GitHub - TKJElectronics/Example-Sketch-for-IMU-including-Kalman-filter: Software for "Guide to gyro and accelerometer with Arduino including Kalman filtering"

I don't know if the MPU-6050 has accurate data at 1000Hz. There should be a graph in the datasheets somewhere that shows the sensitivity against the frequency. Other manufacturers give that kind of information but perhaps the MPU-6050 frequency response is too bad to show it.

Other accelerometers are designed for vibrations, but not the MPU-6050.
If there really is no frequency response available, then all your measurements are useless.

The question has been on this forum before, but I can't find it right now.