MPU6050 simple test

I'm struggling to figure out why this simple MPU6050 test code does not work. My hardware seems to work based on an alternate library, but that library does not provide pitch/roll/yaw. Any help would be much appreciated.

#include "Simple_MPU6050.h"
#define MPU6050_ADDRESS_AD0_LOW     0x68 // address pin low (GND), default for InvenSense evaluation board
#define MPU6050_ADDRESS_AD0_HIGH    0x69 // address pin high (VCC)

Simple_MPU6050 mpu;
Quaternion q;
VectorFloat gravity;
float ypr[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
float xyz[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };

void Scope1 () { PORTD |=  bit (4); }
void Scope0 () { PORTD &= ~bit (4); }
void LEDgrn () { PORTB |= 1; PORTB &= ~2; }
void LEDred () { PORTB |= 2; PORTB &= ~1; }
void LEDoff () { PORTB |= 1; PORTB |=  2; }
void Piezo () { PORTD ^= (1 << 2); /* PD2 */ }
void Beep  (int per, int dur) { for (int j = 1; j < dur; j++) { Piezo (); delayMicroseconds (per); } }
void Beep1 (int n) { while (n--) { Beep (170,300); delay (150); } }
void BeepD () { Beep1 (1); delay (200); }

#define spamtimer(t) for (static uint32_t SpamTimer; (uint32_t)(millis() - SpamTimer) >= (t); SpamTimer = millis()) 

void print_Values (int16_t *gyro, int16_t *accel, int32_t *quat, uint32_t *timestamp) {
uint8_t Spam_Delay = 100; 
// Next line from lib example but does not work for me.
// spamtimer(Spam_Delay) { // non blocking delay before printing again. This skips the following code when delay time (ms) hasn't been met
mpu.GetQuaternion(&q, quat);
mpu.GetGravity(&gravity, &q);
mpu.GetYawPitchRoll(ypr, &q, &gravity);
mpu.ConvertToDegrees(ypr, xyz); 

// No serial (because programming custom board using Arduino as ISP) so using scope.
Beep (170,100);
int Deg = ypr[2];
Scope1 (); delay (10 + abs (Deg)); Scope0 (); } // Shows 10 ms pulse, unaffected by angle.

void setup() {
DDRB |=  bit(0); // B0 OUT LEDA
DDRB |=  bit(1); // B1 OUT LEDB
DDRD |=  bit(2); // D2 OUT PIEZO
DDRD |=  bit(4); // D4 OUT ElevServoPin
BeepD (); LEDgrn ();
BeepD (); LEDred (); 
BeepD (); Wire.begin();
BeepD (); mpu.SetAddress(MPU6050_ADDRESS_AD0_LOW).CalibrateMPU().load_DMP_Image();
BeepD (); mpu.on_FIFO(print_Values);
BeepD (); LEDgrn (); }

void loop() { mpu.dmp_read_fifo(); }

In this revised code I want an LED to turn red if PCB is tilted one way and green another way. It works but only if I include the digitalWrites in loop () - nothing is connected to D2. I can't understand why it needs those writes.

#include "Simple_MPU6050.h"
Simple_MPU6050 mpu;

int32_t quat; quaternion q; VectorFloat gravity; float ypr[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };

const int PPD0 = 0; const int PPD1 = 1; const int PPD2 = 2; const int PPB0 = 8; const int PPB1 = 9;

void LEDgrn () { digitalWrite (PPB0,1); digitalWrite (PPB1,0); }
void LEDred () { digitalWrite (PPB0,0); digitalWrite (PPB1,1); }

void GetValues (int16_t *gyro, int16_t *accel, int32_t *quat, uint32_t *timestamp) {
mpu.GetQuaternion(&q, quat);
mpu.GetGravity(&gravity, &q);
mpu.GetYawPitchRoll(ypr, &q, &gravity); }

void setup() {
pinMode (PPB0,OUTPUT); pinMode (PPB1,OUTPUT); pinMode (PPD2,OUTPUT); 
mpu.on_FIFO(GetValues); }

void loop () {
digitalWrite (PPD2,1); digitalWrite (PPD2,0); // works with this but not with out nor with any of next 3 lines
// digitalWrite (PPD0,1); digitalWrite (PPD0,0); // no help
// digitalWrite (PPD1,1); digitalWrite (PPD1,0); // no help
// digitalWrite (PPD2,0); // no help
ypr[2] > 0 ? LEDgrn () : LEDred (); }

The "Simple_MPU6050" library says it takes 10ms with the minimal implementation. Does anyone know how to invoke the minimal implementation? The normal usage takes 30ms, which is too slow.