Hi all,
I've been having trouble accessing magnetometer data via SPI on my MPU9250. Accel and gyro data are easily accessible but I'm only able to obtain mag data in very specific situations (if the GPS on my custom board isn't turned on, etc. etc.)
So I decided to look back to how the unit was routed and I noticed a discrepancy in the Invensense data sheet for the MPU 9250
On Page 19, the table says
Pin Number Pin Name Pin Description
1 RESV Reserved Connect to VDDIO.
But on Page 20, the diagram for hooking up MPU9250 with SPI shows Pin 1 as floating which is what I have on the board.
On the Invensense forum, a thread said that if Pin 1 isn't connected to VDDIO, the magnetometer wouldn't work but I haven't had it connected and I occasionally get data.
Does it need to be connected or am I having coding problems?