Hi all together,
i guess here are a lot of my questions answered:
but there are some questions left.
I use a cheap breakout board for the MQ131.
The RL is announced with 1kOhm.
the basic implementation is from
But since i use the raspberry to read out all the stuff with an ADS1115, minor changes had to be made.
My implementation can be found here (if anyone is interested):
these two documents show a complete different behavior (i suppose the first is correct!?):
the first shows that Rs/R0 is basically 1 when exposed to fresh air. (which i corrected in the python script)
I understand that the resistance is rising with higher concentration of the gas.
but if i calculate that i end up with 20 ug/m3 as 0.01ppm/10ppb as shown in the graph.
That seems a lot to me. (source: https://www.lfu.bayern.de/luft/doc/ozoninfo.pdf)
Google told me that today the concentration should be around 2ug/m3.
And the raw value measurement in regular air results stretch from 200 to like 800 (of i believe 2048 which should be the max for this ADC). I also verified that the ADC reading is correct, 5V max, and with like ADC value 800 ~ 1.2V over RL.
Is the humidity and temperature such a big thing?
If not. How can these huge differences be explained?
My goal is to measure the ozone concentration inside the building. So i thought the temp should be constant enough and the humidity as well.
We bought an ozone generator and i would like to see the concentration in that room over time and if it is clear to enter.
Sorry it was super late last night
My background is a degree in electrical engineering and like 15 years of experience as a software engineer.