The MQ-135 is 5V and the output is analog, which will also be 5V. I have an ESP32 that has an analog at about 3.3V. I will use a divider but I don't know what resistors to use. Somewhere I saw 100K and 200K ohm, in other places only 33K and 18K ohm. how is it please Thank you very much for your help.
try 1K and 2K (I often use 1K and 2.2K but it gives a slightly higher voltage than 3.3V)
The ESP32 ADC has an input range of 150mV-3100mV
Are use using some ESP32 board/kit?
Are you using thr bare MQ-135 sensor or some board/module.
I Goggled;
esp32 MQ-135
This may help.
I have ESP32 modul WROOM-32 and MQ-135 is module.
Use a 62K and 39K.
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