Mq135 for detection nitro oxide gas

Anyone can help me, i have a question and i can't find the answer.

In mq135 datasheet the sensor can detect NOx (nitro oxide) gas, but i can't understand how it works

Please somebody help me to understand it

It can detect the gas, but it can't distinguish between the various gases it can detect.

Like it's not very smart if that makes sense. It goes "Oh there's one of the many gases I can detect, but I don't know which one it is."

i can't understand how it works

The datasheet shows that the resistance of the sensing element changes when one of the gases is detected.

A sensor technique used is a (possibly heated) ceramic element with a thin surface coating. The properties (ie resistivity) of the coating depend on adsorbed/absorbed gasses.

Ok guys, thanks for your informations
I still search until now, maybe one of the websites can help me learn about mq135 gas sensors

How the sensor works is quite simple. It's got an analog output - change the concentration of NOx in the air and the output changes. The output value depends on the NOx concentration (amongst a few other gases).

The more important question at the moment: what do you want to do with it?