Hi everyone,
I am using PubSubClient to connect to MQTT.
I registered in a cloud mqtt service to do my tests so to avoid errors due to possible miss configuration on personal server.
The server provider gives me 3 ports:
ssl port...
websocket(TLS only)..
I was connecting to the regular port but it was unencrypted. Decided to switch to ssl port and the only change I made was to include the wifi secure instead of regular wifi(and obviously use the different port of the server) :
#include <WiFiClientSecure.h>
WiFiClientSecure wifiClient;
I can now connect to SSL port and receive data on the ESP32.
However when trying to publish from mosquitto_pub just by replacing the port with the ssl port i get error "Error: The connection was lost.".
How is it possible arduino(esp32) to connect to MQTT server on the SSL port without providing any cert files but mosquitto_pub not to connect?
What am I missing?
Also, how to connect to TLS and not to SSL with arduino?
Thank you!
How is it possible to help you debug conde without seeing the code to debug?
I do not have any code for MQTT that connects to TLS. Im looking for code such this so I can use it 
Im also trying to understand that the mqtt client(like pubsubclient) has to support TLS or the wifi client?
thank you
So read this thread called MQTT and TLS: Arduino Forum
You will be most interested in post #10
thanks for that, im trying to find on my mqtt server provider the files.
On their FAQ page:
Our server certificate is currently issued by Sectigo with USERTrust RSA Certification Authority as root.
If you don't have a trust store you can download the USERTrust RSA Certification Authority (SHA-2) root certificate from sectigo.com KB or via crt.sh.
On sectigo page which one is the CACert, Certificate and PrivateKey that i should use?
Thank you!
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thanks for that, im trying to find on my mqtt server provider the files.
On their FAQ page:
[color=#212529]Our server certificate is currently issued by Sectigo with USERTrust RSA Certification Authority as root.[/color]
If you don't have a trust store you can download the USERTrust RSA Certification Authority (SHA-2) root certificate from [iurl=Comodo Knowledge Base]sectigo.com KB [/iurl]or via [iurl=crt.sh | 1199354]crt.sh[/iurl].
On [sectigo](https://support.sectigo.com/articles/Knowledge/Sectigo-Intermediate-Certificates)[](https://support.sectigo.com/articles/Knowledge/Sectigo-Intermediate-Certificates) page which one is the CACert, Certificate and PrivateKey that i should use?
Thank you!
I'm not doing your research.
I just do not understand which files I need because on the link they have many