Mqtt/ios platform suggestion

I have a simple project with 2 wifi arduinos, which monitor temperatures, control a few relays and I'm relying on cayenne (i used to use blynk but it was too limited).
Cayenne is great, but it see it has a couple bugs, like for example, if internet goes offline, triggers are unusable(there are workarounds), or if you launch the app, sometimes triggers won't work and need to restart it (only phone based- pc web is ok).

I was wondering if there's a more reliable solution that is not web server/client but rather mqtt.
I'm investigating on mosquitto...

The usual route is normally to setup mosquito on a small raspberry pi (I us a zero W) and then no need of the internet. However your RPi server will need internet access if you wish to control things while not on its local network.
I also used Cayenne but it's lack of support for IOS9 made me ditch it in favour of other methods.