MQTT loop stops

Hey guys, I'm working on a code that enables me to send commands to my Arduino Ethernet using MQTT, I then have a TRIAC connected. It works as long as I keep sending over values, once I stop for around a minute or so, I can't get the Arduino to respond. Any idea why this is?

Also the script seems quite long, I don't know too much about which formulas I should use but if anyone has any advice on how to simplify the code that would be great :slight_smile:

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>

byte mac[] = { 0xXX, 0xXX, 0xXX, 0xXX, 0xXX, 0xXX };
IPAddress ip(XXX, XXX, X, XX);
IPAddress server(XXX, XXX, X, XX);

const int lightPin = 5;
char msg[64];
char topic[32];

void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length);

EthernetClient ethClient;
PubSubClient client(server, 1883, callback, ethClient);

// Callback function
void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) {

memcpy(msg, payload, length);
msg[length] = '\0';

if(strcmp(msg, "100") == 0) {
attachInterrupt(0, lightHigh, FALLING);
client.publish("outTopic", "Light 100"); }

if(strcmp(msg, "90") == 0) {
attachInterrupt(0, light90, FALLING);
client.publish("outTopic", "Light 90"); }

if(strcmp(msg, "80") == 0) {
attachInterrupt(0, light80, FALLING);
client.publish("outTopic", "Light 80"); }

if(strcmp(msg, "70") == 0) {
attachInterrupt(0, light70, FALLING);
client.publish("outTopic", "Light 70"); }

if(strcmp(msg, "60") == 0) {
attachInterrupt(0, light60, FALLING);
client.publish("outTopic", "Light 60"); }

if(strcmp(msg, "50") == 0) {
attachInterrupt(0, light50, FALLING);
client.publish("outTopic", "Light 50"); }

if(strcmp(msg, "40") == 0) {
attachInterrupt(0, light40, FALLING);
client.publish("outTopic", "Light 40"); }

if(strcmp(msg, "30") == 0) {
attachInterrupt(0, light30, FALLING);
client.publish("outTopic", "Light 30"); }

if(strcmp(msg, "20") == 0) {
attachInterrupt(0, light20, FALLING);
client.publish("outTopic", "Light 20"); }

if(strcmp(msg, "10") == 0) {
attachInterrupt(0, light10, FALLING);
client.publish("outTopic", "Light 10"); }

if(strcmp(msg, "OFF") == 0) {
attachInterrupt(0, lightOff, FALLING);
client.publish("outTopic", "Light Off"); }

void setup()
pinMode(lightPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(lightPin, LOW);

Ethernet.begin(mac, ip);
if (client.connect("arduinoClient")) {
client.publish("outTopic","hello world");

void lightHigh() {
digitalWrite(lightPin, HIGH); }

void lightOff() {
digitalWrite(lightPin, LOW); }

void light90() {
digitalWrite(lightPin, HIGH);

digitalWrite(lightPin, LOW); }

void light80() {
digitalWrite(lightPin, HIGH);

digitalWrite(lightPin, LOW); }

void light70() {
digitalWrite(lightPin, HIGH);

digitalWrite(lightPin, LOW); }

void light60() {
digitalWrite(lightPin, HIGH);

digitalWrite(lightPin, LOW); }

void light50() {
digitalWrite(lightPin, HIGH);

digitalWrite(lightPin, LOW); }

void light40() {
digitalWrite(lightPin, HIGH);

digitalWrite(lightPin, LOW); }

void light30() {
digitalWrite(lightPin, HIGH);

digitalWrite(lightPin, LOW); }

void light20() {
digitalWrite(lightPin, HIGH);

digitalWrite(lightPin, LOW); }

void light10() {
digitalWrite(lightPin, HIGH);

digitalWrite(lightPin, LOW); }

void loop()

You REALLY could have one function that sets the light level. You send a value for 0 to 100. You could map that in one function, instead of calling 10 different functions.

Whatever is causing the Arduino to stop handling requests is related to the PubSubClient library or your network, NOT the sketch you posted.