MQTT meistens gehts, aber manchmal nicht, nur warum?


ich habe einen nodeMCU, daran angeschlossen ein BME280 (Luftfeuchtigkeit, Luftdruck und Temperatur) und 4 Stück DS18b20 (4 Stück 1-Wire Temperatursensoren, sind in diesem Fall nicht angeschlossen, daher der Messwert -127).
Alle 8,5 Sekunden wird einer dieser insgesamt 7 Messwerte an einen MQTT Broker und an eine Middleware (aktuell im Code deaktiviert) gesendet.

Es funktioniert :ok_hand: :+1:
.....aber manchmal auch nicht :crazy_face: :joy:

Kann jamand nachvollziehen warum?
Wie könnte man das debuggen um das Problem zu verstehen?

//#define VZsenden         // Die Daten werden an die Volkszähler Middleware gesendet (kann man auskommentieren zum offline testen)
#define MQTTsenden       // Die Daten werden an den MQTT Broker gesendet (kann man auskommentieren zum offline testen)
#include <Wire.h>
#include "BlueDot_BME280.h"
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFiMulti.h>
#include <ESP8266HTTPClient.h>
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
#define ONE_WIRE_BUS D6             // ESP8266
#define MSG_BUFFER_SIZE  (10)
ESP8266WiFiMulti WiFiMulti;
WiFiClient espClient;
PubSubClient client(espClient);
const int WerteInterval = 8500;        // Interval des sequentiellen Abrufs der Temperaturwerte in Millisekunden. Alle 8,5 Sekunden wird ein Temperaturwert abgefragt/aktualisiert.
long lastReconnectAttempt = 0;
unsigned long lastMsg = 0;
char msg[MSG_BUFFER_SIZE];
int i;
unsigned long lastCall;           // Merker für die Zeit in Millisekunden seit letzten Aufruf der Funktion. Millis zählt immer weiter hoch seit dem Einschalten des Controllers
int value = 0;
BlueDot_BME280 bme1;                                     //Object for Sensor 1
bool bme1Detected = 0;                                   //Checks if Sensor 1 is available
bool verriegeltWgFehlmessung = true;
byte maxwait = 120;
const char WiFiSSID[] = "xxxxxxx";          // Router SSID
const char WiFiPSK[]  = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";    // Router Password
const String host = "";          // Server IP Adresse
const char* mqtt_server = "";
const unsigned int port = 80;
String url_temp;
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS); // Setup a oneWire instance to communicate with any OneWire devices (not just Maxim/Dallas temperature ICs)
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);
DeviceAddress sensor0 = {0x28, 0x8a, 0x43, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1a}; // T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e
DeviceAddress sensor1 = {0x28, 0xb0, 0x16, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7f}; // T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e
DeviceAddress sensor2 = {0x28, 0x08, 0x05, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xeb}; // T65 Bootsschuppen innen
DeviceAddress sensor3 = {0x28, 0xda, 0xbf, 0x98, 0x42, 0x20, 0x01, 0x29}; // T66 Bootsschuppen aussen
bool waitWifi() {
  while (( != WL_CONNECTED) && maxwait > 0) {
#ifdef AUSGABE
    Serial.println("Wait Wifi");
  if ( == WL_CONNECTED) return true;
  return false;
void sendHttpData(String url) {
  HTTPClient http;
  if (waitWifi()) {
#ifdef AUSGABE
    Serial.print("GET: "); Serial.println(url);
    http.begin(host, port, url); //HTTP
    int httpCode = http.GET();
#ifdef AUSGABE
    if (httpCode) {
      if (httpCode == 200) {
        String payload = http.getString();
      } else {
        Serial.print("HTTP "); Serial.println(httpCode);
    } else {
      Serial.print("[HTTP] GET... failed, no connection or no HTTP server\n");
  } else {
#ifdef AUSGABE
    Serial.print("No WiFi available\n");
void InitSensor() {
  bme1.parameter.communication = 0;                    //I2C communication for Sensor 1 (bme1)
  bme1.parameter.I2CAddress = 0x76;                    //I2C Address for Sensor 1 (bme1)
  bme1.parameter.sensorMode = 0b11;                    //Setup Sensor mode for Sensor 1
  bme1.parameter.IIRfilter = 0b100;                    //IIR Filter for Sensor 1
  bme1.parameter.humidOversampling = 0b101;            //Humidity Oversampling for Sensor 1
  bme1.parameter.tempOversampling = 0b101;             //Temperature Oversampling for Sensor 1
  bme1.parameter.pressOversampling = 0b101;            //Pressure Oversampling for Sensor 1
  bme1.parameter.pressureSeaLevel = 1013.25;           //default value of 1013.25 hPa (Sensor 1)
  bme1.parameter.tempOutsideCelsius = 15;              //default value of 15°C
  bme1.parameter.tempOutsideFahrenheit = 59;           //default value of 59°F
boolean reconnect() {
  Serial.print("Attempting MQTT connection...");
  if (client.connect("ESP8266Client")) {        // Attempt to connect
  } else {
    Serial.print("failed, rc= ");
  return client.connected();
void setup() {
  pinMode(2, OUTPUT); // ESP12 onboard LED initialisieren
  pinMode(16, OUTPUT); // nodeMCU onboard LED initialisieren
  digitalWrite(2, LOW);  // ESP12 onboard LED einschalten
  digitalWrite(2, HIGH); // ESP12 onboard LED ausschalten
  digitalWrite(16, LOW); // nodeMCU onboard LED einschalten
  digitalWrite(16, HIGH); // nodeMCU onboard LED ausschalten
  delay (200);
  client.setServer(mqtt_server, 1883);
  Wire.begin(4, 5);                         //Pin 4 (D2) as SDA and Pin 5 as SCL (D1)
  WiFiMulti.addAP(WiFiSSID, WiFiPSK);
  sensors.begin();                            // Start up the library
  sensors.setResolution(sensor0, TEMPERATURE_PRECISION);
  sensors.setResolution(sensor1, TEMPERATURE_PRECISION);
  sensors.setResolution(sensor2, TEMPERATURE_PRECISION);
  sensors.setResolution(sensor3, TEMPERATURE_PRECISION);
void loop() {
  if (!client.connected()) {
    unsigned long now = millis();
    if (now - lastReconnectAttempt > 5000) {
      lastReconnectAttempt = now;
      // Attempt to reconnect
      if (reconnect()) {
        lastReconnectAttempt = 0;
  } else {
    // Client connected
    if ( millis() - lastCall > WerteInterval ) {  // Zeitschleife ohne Delay. Alle 10 Sekunden wird die Funktion WertLesen() mit dem nächsten Argument (0-6) aufgerufen
      lastCall += WerteInterval;                  // lastCall = lastCall + WerteInterval
      if (verriegeltWgFehlmessung == true) {
        if ( millis() > 180000) {                  // wegen Initialisierungs-Fehlmessungen 180 Sekunden = 3min warten bis der erste Wert in die Datenbank geschrieben wird
          verriegeltWgFehlmessung = false;
      Serial.print(" ");
      // Serial.print ("3min verriegelt für BME280: ");
      // Serial.print (verriegeltWgFehlmessung);
      // Serial.print (" ");
      Serial.print (lastCall);
      Serial.print (" ");
      Serial.print ("Case ");
      Serial.print (i);                       // Case (i) anzeigen
      Serial.print (": ");

      //************** BME280 Luftfeuchtigkeit **************
      if (i == 0) {
        Serial.print(F("BME280 Humidity [%]: "));
        url_temp = "/middleware.php/data/fab813e0-6761-11e8-9f96-0b52995c3ddb.json?operation=add&value=";
        url_temp += bme1.readHumidity();
        if (verriegeltWgFehlmessung == false) {
#ifdef VZsenden
          sendHttpData(url_temp);                       // ------------------Daten senden-----------------
          digitalWrite(2, LOW);  // ESP12 onboard LED einschalten
          digitalWrite(2, HIGH); // ESP12 onboard LED ausschalten
#ifdef MQTTsenden
          snprintf(msg, 10, "%.2f", bme1.readHumidity());
          client.publish("Bootsschuppen/Luftfeuchtigkeit/RepeaterBME280_01", msg);         // ------------------Daten senden-----------------
          digitalWrite(16, LOW); // nodeMCU onboard LED einschalten
          digitalWrite(16, HIGH); // nodeMCU onboard LED ausschalten

      //************** BME280 Luftdruck **************
      if (i == 1) {
        Serial.print(F("BME280 Pressure [hPa]: "));
        url_temp = "/middleware.php/data/8301ddd0-6762-11e8-8c2d-2366ecd86f9e.json?operation=add&value=";
        url_temp += bme1.readPressure();
        if (verriegeltWgFehlmessung == false) {
#ifdef VZsenden
          sendHttpData(url_temp);                       // ------------------Daten senden-----------------
          digitalWrite(2, LOW);  // ESP12 onboard LED einschalten
          digitalWrite(2, HIGH); // ESP12 onboard LED ausschalten
#ifdef MQTTsenden
          snprintf(msg, 10, "%.2f", bme1.readPressure());
          client.publish("Bootsschuppen/Luftdruck/RepeaterBME280_01", msg);         // ------------------Daten senden-----------------
          digitalWrite(16, LOW); // nodeMCU onboard LED einschalten
          digitalWrite(16, HIGH); // nodeMCU onboard LED ausschalten

      //************** BME280 T41 **************
      if (i == 2) {
        Serial.print(F("BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: "));
        url_temp = "/middleware.php/data/5358bde0-6761-11e8-ae2a-27ac73325e21.json?operation=add&value=";
        url_temp += bme1.readTempC();
        if (verriegeltWgFehlmessung == false) {
#ifdef VZsenden
          sendHttpData(url_temp);                       // ------------------Daten senden-----------------
          digitalWrite(2, LOW);  // ESP12 onboard LED einschalten
          digitalWrite(2, HIGH); // ESP12 onboard LED ausschalten
#ifdef MQTTsenden
          snprintf(msg, 10, "%.2f", bme1.readTempC());
          client.publish("Bootsschuppen/Temperatur/T41RepeaterBME280_01", msg);         // ------------------Daten senden-----------------
          digitalWrite(16, LOW); // nodeMCU onboard LED einschalten
          digitalWrite(16, HIGH); // nodeMCU onboard LED ausschalten

      //************** DS18b20 T63 **************
      if (i == 3) {
        float temp1 = sensors.getTempC(sensor0);
        Serial.print(F("T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: "));
        Serial.println(temp1, 3);
        url_temp = "/middleware.php/data/5da7e4c0-daa7-11ec-a458-39f164d83803.json?operation=add&value=";
        url_temp += temp1;
#ifdef VZsenden
        sendHttpData(url_temp);                       // ------------------Daten senden-----------------
        digitalWrite(2, LOW);  // ESP12 onboard LED einschalten
        digitalWrite(2, HIGH); // ESP12 onboard LED ausschalten
#ifdef MQTTsenden
        snprintf(msg, 10, "%.3f", temp1);
        client.publish("Bootsschuppen/Temperatur/T63RepeaterUnter1260e", msg);         // ------------------Daten senden-----------------
        digitalWrite(16, LOW); // nodeMCU onboard LED einschalten
        digitalWrite(16, HIGH); // nodeMCU onboard LED ausschalten

      //************** DS18b20 T64 **************
      if (i == 4) {
        float temp2 = sensors.getTempC(sensor1);
        Serial.print(F("T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: "));
        Serial.println(temp2, 3);
        url_temp = "/middleware.php/data/6bcafa20-daa7-11ec-bc54-cdbbc2f4833e.json?operation=add&value=";
        url_temp += temp2;
#ifdef VZsenden
        sendHttpData(url_temp);                       // ------------------Daten senden-----------------
        digitalWrite(2, LOW);  // ESP12 onboard LED einschalten
        digitalWrite(2, HIGH); // ESP12 onboard LED ausschalten
#ifdef MQTTsenden
        snprintf(msg, 10, "%.3f", temp2);
        client.publish("Bootsschuppen/Temperatur/T64RepeaterÜber1260e", msg);         // ------------------Daten senden-----------------
        digitalWrite(16, LOW); // nodeMCU onboard LED einschalten
        digitalWrite(16, HIGH); // nodeMCU onboard LED ausschalten

      //************** DS18b20 T65 **************
      if (i == 5) {
        float temp3 = sensors.getTempC(sensor2);
        Serial.print(F("T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: "));
        Serial.println(temp3, 3);
        url_temp = "/middleware.php/data/7c6fdc80-daa7-11ec-bc59-bbc47c3213f7.json?operation=add&value=";
        url_temp += temp3;
#ifdef VZsenden
        sendHttpData(url_temp);                       // ------------------Daten senden-----------------
        digitalWrite(2, LOW);  // ESP12 onboard LED einschalten
        digitalWrite(2, HIGH); // ESP12 onboard LED ausschalten
#ifdef MQTTsenden
        snprintf(msg, 10, "%.3f", temp3);
        client.publish("Bootsschuppen/Temperatur/T65Innen", msg);         // ------------------Daten senden-----------------
        digitalWrite(16, LOW); // nodeMCU onboard LED einschalten
        digitalWrite(16, HIGH); // nodeMCU onboard LED ausschalten

      //************** DS18b20 T66 **************
      if (i == 6) {
        float temp4 = sensors.getTempC(sensor3);
        Serial.print(F("T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: "));
        Serial.println(temp4, 3);
        url_temp = "/middleware.php/data/8910ee20-daa7-11ec-aa1f-bff9d96a0230.json?operation=add&value=";
        url_temp += temp4;
#ifdef VZsenden
        sendHttpData(url_temp);                       // ------------------Daten senden-----------------
        digitalWrite(2, LOW);  // ESP12 onboard LED einschalten
        digitalWrite(2, HIGH); // ESP12 onboard LED ausschalten
#ifdef MQTTsenden
        snprintf(msg, 10, "%.3f", temp4);
        client.publish("Bootsschuppen/Temperatur/T66Aussen", msg);         // ------------------Daten senden-----------------
        digitalWrite(16, LOW); // nodeMCU onboard LED einschalten
        digitalWrite(16, HIGH); // nodeMCU onboard LED ausschalten
      if ( ++i > 6 ) i = 0;

Und hier die debug Ausgabe des seriellen Monitors:

11:39:54.360 -> RSSI:-71 221000 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:40:02.856 -> RSSI:-71 229500 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:40:11.347 -> RSSI:-70 238000 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:40:19.876 -> RSSI:-70 246500 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 48.83
11:40:28.368 -> RSSI:-70 255000 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.19
11:40:36.862 -> RSSI:-70 263500 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 20.91
11:40:45.378 -> RSSI:-70 272000 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:41:16.250 -> RSSI:-70 280500 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:41:16.250 -> RSSI:-70 289000 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:41:16.250 -> RSSI:-70 297500 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:41:19.357 -> RSSI:-69 306000 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 48.74
11:41:27.866 -> RSSI:-71 314500 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.23
11:41:36.359 -> RSSI:-73 323000 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 20.94
11:41:44.881 -> RSSI:-72 331500 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:41:53.370 -> RSSI:-71 340000 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:42:01.861 -> RSSI:-72 348500 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:42:10.380 -> RSSI:-73 357000 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:42:18.869 -> RSSI:-73 365500 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 48.55
11:42:27.352 -> RSSI:-71 374000 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.21
11:42:35.875 -> RSSI:-71 382500 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 20.98
11:42:44.363 -> RSSI:-72 391000 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:42:52.851 -> RSSI:-74 399500 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:43:01.372 -> RSSI:-72 408000 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:43:09.854 -> RSSI:-71 416500 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:43:18.370 -> RSSI:-70 425000 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 48.51
11:43:26.853 -> RSSI:-70 433500 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.23
11:43:35.370 -> RSSI:-70 442000 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.02
11:43:43.884 -> RSSI:-69 450500 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:43:52.368 -> RSSI:-69 459000 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:44:00.853 -> RSSI:-70 467500 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:44:09.364 -> RSSI:-69 476000 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:44:17.879 -> RSSI:-69 484500 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 48.47
11:44:26.370 -> RSSI:-70 493000 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.27
11:44:34.856 -> RSSI:-69 501500 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.06
11:44:43.367 -> RSSI:-71 510000 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:44:51.853 -> RSSI:-69 518500 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:45:00.375 -> RSSI:-69 527000 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:45:08.860 -> RSSI:-69 535500 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:45:17.377 -> RSSI:-71 544000 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 48.28
11:45:25.855 -> RSSI:-69 552500 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.29
11:45:34.370 -> RSSI:-69 561000 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.12
11:45:42.854 -> RSSI:-70 569500 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:45:51.370 -> RSSI:-70 578000 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:45:59.885 -> RSSI:-70 586500 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:46:08.368 -> RSSI:-69 595000 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:46:16.854 -> RSSI:-72 603500 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 48.24
11:46:25.361 -> RSSI:-70 612000 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.31
11:46:33.879 -> RSSI:-70 620500 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.14
11:46:42.366 -> RSSI:-70 629000 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:46:50.883 -> RSSI:-72 637500 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:46:59.370 -> RSSI:-70 646000 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:47:07.869 -> RSSI:-71 654500 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:47:16.388 -> RSSI:-70 663000 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 48.44
11:47:24.870 -> RSSI:-71 671500 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.28
11:47:33.388 -> RSSI:-71 680000 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.17
11:47:41.869 -> RSSI:-70 688500 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:47:50.388 -> RSSI:-69 697000 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:47:58.874 -> RSSI:-71 705500 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:48:07.365 -> RSSI:-71 714000 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:48:15.888 -> RSSI:-72 722500 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 48.69
11:48:24.363 -> RSSI:-70 731000 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.26
11:48:32.882 -> RSSI:-73 739500 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.21
11:48:41.369 -> RSSI:-72 748000 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:48:49.885 -> RSSI:-72 756500 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:48:58.364 -> RSSI:-71 765000 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:49:06.888 -> RSSI:-74 773500 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:49:15.373 -> RSSI:-70 782000 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 48.34
11:49:23.890 -> RSSI:-71 790500 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.28
11:49:32.376 -> RSSI:-69 799000 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.19
11:49:40.861 -> RSSI:-71 807500 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:49:49.375 -> RSSI:-71 816000 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:49:57.891 -> RSSI:-70 824500 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:50:06.379 -> RSSI:-70 833000 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:50:14.867 -> RSSI:-70 841500 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 48.20
11:50:23.389 -> RSSI:-71 850000 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.23
11:50:31.881 -> RSSI:-70 858500 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.22
11:50:40.369 -> RSSI:-69 867000 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:50:48.889 -> RSSI:-71 875500 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:50:57.371 -> RSSI:-71 884000 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:51:05.890 -> RSSI:-70 892500 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:51:14.371 -> RSSI:-70 901000 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 48.17
11:51:22.886 -> RSSI:-72 909500 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.21
11:51:31.372 -> RSSI:-71 918000 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.22
11:51:39.887 -> RSSI:-71 926500 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:51:48.379 -> RSSI:-72 935000 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:51:56.869 -> RSSI:-72 943500 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:52:05.381 -> RSSI:-73 952000 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:52:13.871 -> RSSI:-71 960500 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 48.14
11:52:22.390 -> RSSI:-69 969000 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.19
11:52:30.884 -> RSSI:-69 977500 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.25
11:52:39.368 -> RSSI:-71 986000 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:52:47.893 -> RSSI:-71 994500 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:52:56.383 -> RSSI:-70 1003000 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:53:04.872 -> RSSI:-69 1011500 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:53:13.386 -> RSSI:-72 1020000 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 48.01
11:53:21.867 -> RSSI:-70 1028500 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.21
11:53:30.381 -> RSSI:-69 1037000 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.25
11:53:38.867 -> RSSI:-69 1045500 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:53:47.396 -> RSSI:-70 1054000 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:53:55.879 -> RSSI:-71 1062500 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:54:04.396 -> RSSI:-70 1071000 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:54:12.881 -> RSSI:-69 1079500 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.97
11:54:21.394 -> RSSI:-70 1088000 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.23
11:54:29.872 -> RSSI:-70 1096500 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.29
11:54:38.376 -> RSSI:-70 1105000 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:54:46.891 -> RSSI:-70 1113500 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:54:55.376 -> RSSI:-70 1122000 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:55:03.867 -> RSSI:-69 1130500 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:55:12.390 -> RSSI:-69 1139000 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 48.02
11:55:20.875 -> RSSI:-69 1147500 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.24
11:55:29.393 -> RSSI:-69 1156000 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.32
11:55:37.878 -> RSSI:-70 1164500 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:55:46.366 -> RSSI:-70 1173000 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:55:54.886 -> RSSI:-69 1181500 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:56:03.373 -> RSSI:-70 1190000 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:56:11.882 -> RSSI:-69 1198500 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.81
11:56:20.367 -> RSSI:-69 1207000 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.24
11:56:28.887 -> RSSI:-69 1215500 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.34
11:56:37.373 -> RSSI:-71 1224000 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:56:45.897 -> RSSI:-70 1232500 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:56:54.387 -> RSSI:-71 1241000 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:57:02.869 -> RSSI:-69 1249500 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:57:11.395 -> RSSI:-69 1258000 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.99
11:57:19.887 -> RSSI:-70 1266500 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.25
11:57:28.377 -> RSSI:-69 1275000 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.36
11:57:36.898 -> RSSI:-70 1283500 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:57:45.384 -> RSSI:-70 1292000 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:57:53.900 -> RSSI:-71 1300500 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:58:02.384 -> RSSI:-72 1309000 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:58:10.872 -> RSSI:-69 1317500 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.87
11:58:19.389 -> RSSI:-70 1326000 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.25
11:58:27.902 -> RSSI:-70 1334500 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.37
11:58:36.390 -> RSSI:-70 1343000 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:58:44.877 -> RSSI:-69 1351500 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:58:53.397 -> RSSI:-71 1360000 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:59:01.881 -> RSSI:-71 1368500 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:59:10.372 -> RSSI:-71 1377000 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.84
11:59:18.894 -> RSSI:-70 1385500 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.25
11:59:27.381 -> RSSI:-69 1394000 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.40
11:59:35.873 -> RSSI:-71 1402500 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:59:44.383 -> RSSI:-70 1411000 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
11:59:52.902 -> RSSI:-70 1419500 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:00:01.383 -> RSSI:-69 1428000 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:00:09.875 -> RSSI:-72 1436500 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.73
12:00:18.388 -> RSSI:-70 1445000 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.21
12:00:26.872 -> RSSI:-70 1453500 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.40
12:00:35.391 -> RSSI:-69 1462000 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:00:43.874 -> RSSI:-71 1470500 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:00:52.392 -> RSSI:-69 1479000 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:01:00.883 -> RSSI:-69 1487500 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:01:09.372 -> RSSI:-70 1496000 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.69
12:01:17.890 -> RSSI:-70 1504500 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.19
12:01:26.380 -> RSSI:-70 1513000 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.42
12:01:34.899 -> RSSI:-69 1521500 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:01:43.389 -> RSSI:-69 1530000 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:01:51.880 -> RSSI:-70 1538500 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:02:00.399 -> RSSI:-69 1547000 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:02:08.887 -> RSSI:-69 1555500 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.77
12:02:17.406 -> RSSI:-69 1564000 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.18
12:02:25.899 -> RSSI:-69 1572500 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.44
12:02:34.384 -> RSSI:-70 1581000 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:02:42.898 -> RSSI:-69 1589500 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:02:51.394 -> RSSI:-69 1598000 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:02:59.875 -> RSSI:-70 1606500 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:03:08.401 -> RSSI:-69 1615000 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.73
12:03:16.892 -> RSSI:-70 1623500 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.19
12:03:25.376 -> RSSI:-70 1632000 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.46
12:03:33.893 -> RSSI:-71 1640500 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:03:42.381 -> RSSI:-70 1649000 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:03:50.875 -> RSSI:-70 1657500 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:03:59.401 -> RSSI:-70 1666000 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:04:07.882 -> RSSI:-70 1674500 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.68
12:04:16.403 -> RSSI:-69 1683000 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.15
12:04:24.882 -> RSSI:-70 1691500 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.44
12:04:33.398 -> RSSI:-70 1700000 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:04:41.878 -> RSSI:-70 1708500 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:04:50.399 -> RSSI:-69 1717000 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:04:58.890 -> RSSI:-69 1725500 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:05:07.379 -> RSSI:-70 1734000 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.79
12:05:15.899 -> RSSI:-70 1742500 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.20
12:05:24.395 -> RSSI:-69 1751000 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.48
12:05:32.888 -> RSSI:-71 1759500 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:05:41.379 -> RSSI:-69 1768000 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:05:49.878 -> RSSI:-71 1776500 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:05:58.401 -> RSSI:-71 1785000 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:06:06.894 -> RSSI:-71 1793500 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.55
12:06:15.390 -> RSSI:-70 1802000 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.17
12:06:23.880 -> RSSI:-71 1810500 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.51
12:06:32.408 -> RSSI:-70 1819000 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:06:40.902 -> RSSI:-71 1827500 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:06:49.400 -> RSSI:-69 1836000 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:06:57.892 -> RSSI:-70 1844500 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:07:06.384 -> RSSI:-70 1853000 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.63
12:07:14.903 -> RSSI:-71 1861500 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.14
12:07:23.396 -> RSSI:-70 1870000 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.52
12:07:31.882 -> RSSI:-70 1878500 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:07:40.398 -> RSSI:-71 1887000 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:07:48.879 -> RSSI:-70 1895500 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:07:57.393 -> RSSI:-70 1904000 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:08:05.911 -> RSSI:-70 1912500 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.76
12:08:14.385 -> RSSI:-72 1921000 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.16
12:08:22.900 -> RSSI:-69 1929500 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.55
12:08:31.383 -> RSSI:-69 1938000 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:08:39.895 -> RSSI:-69 1946500 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:08:48.406 -> RSSI:-71 1955000 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:08:56.888 -> RSSI:-72 1963500 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:09:05.401 -> RSSI:-73 1972000 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.48
12:09:13.885 -> RSSI:-71 1980500 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.15
12:09:22.405 -> RSSI:-72 1989000 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.58
12:09:30.882 -> RSSI:-70 1997500 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:09:39.397 -> RSSI:-70 2006000 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:09:47.905 -> RSSI:-70 2014500 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:09:56.386 -> RSSI:-71 2023000 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:10:04.900 -> RSSI:-67 2031500 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.38
12:10:13.411 -> RSSI:-70 2040000 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.17
12:10:21.887 -> RSSI:-71 2048500 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.59
12:10:30.401 -> RSSI:-70 2057000 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:10:38.889 -> RSSI:-68 2065500 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:10:47.397 -> RSSI:-70 2074000 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:10:55.913 -> RSSI:-69 2082500 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:11:04.392 -> RSSI:-70 2091000 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.43
12:11:12.908 -> RSSI:-69 2099500 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.21
12:11:21.385 -> RSSI:-70 2108000 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.58
12:11:29.906 -> RSSI:-70 2116500 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:11:38.388 -> RSSI:-69 2125000 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:11:46.905 -> RSSI:-70 2133500 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:11:55.386 -> RSSI:-72 2142000 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:12:03.899 -> RSSI:-69 2150500 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.43
12:12:12.415 -> RSSI:-70 2159000 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.16
12:12:20.891 -> RSSI:-70 2167500 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.57
12:12:29.402 -> RSSI:-70 2176000 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:12:37.912 -> RSSI:-70 2184500 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:12:46.393 -> RSSI:-71 2193000 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:12:54.891 -> RSSI:-67 2201500 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:13:03.411 -> RSSI:-70 2210000 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.43
12:13:11.887 -> RSSI:-69 2218500 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.15
12:13:20.400 -> RSSI:-70 2227000 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.61
12:13:28.915 -> RSSI:-69 2235500 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:13:37.399 -> RSSI:-71 2244000 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:13:45.887 -> RSSI:-69 2252500 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:13:54.410 -> RSSI:-71 2261000 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:14:02.892 -> RSSI:-69 2269500 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.32
12:14:11.414 -> RSSI:-69 2278000 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.13
12:14:19.889 -> RSSI:-70 2286500 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.64
12:14:28.412 -> RSSI:-70 2295000 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:14:36.903 -> RSSI:-69 2303500 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:14:45.390 -> RSSI:-69 2312000 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:14:53.906 -> RSSI:-70 2320500 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:15:02.389 -> RSSI:-70 2329000 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.78
12:15:10.916 -> RSSI:-69 2337500 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.18
12:15:19.398 -> RSSI:-69 2346000 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.68
12:15:27.913 -> RSSI:-69 2354500 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:15:36.400 -> RSSI:-70 2363000 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:15:44.890 -> RSSI:-70 2371500 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:15:53.412 -> RSSI:-69 2380000 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:16:01.905 -> RSSI:-69 2388500 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.20
12:16:10.399 -> RSSI:-70 2397000 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.19
12:16:18.912 -> RSSI:-71 2405500 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.68
12:16:27.394 -> RSSI:-70 2414000 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:16:35.916 -> RSSI:-70 2422500 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:16:44.399 -> RSSI:-69 2431000 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:16:52.914 -> RSSI:-70 2439500 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:17:01.392 -> RSSI:-69 2448000 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.20
12:17:09.911 -> RSSI:-70 2456500 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.20
12:17:18.392 -> RSSI:-69 2465000 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.67
12:17:26.913 -> RSSI:-71 2473500 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:17:35.407 -> RSSI:-70 2482000 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:17:43.923 -> RSSI:-70 2490500 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:17:52.400 -> RSSI:-70 2499000 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:18:00.919 -> RSSI:-71 2507500 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.27
12:18:09.409 -> RSSI:-67 2516000 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.22
12:18:17.922 -> RSSI:-72 2524500 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.69
12:18:26.406 -> RSSI:-70 2533000 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:18:34.894 -> RSSI:-70 2541500 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:18:43.413 -> RSSI:-70 2550000 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:18:51.897 -> RSSI:-70 2558500 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:19:00.421 -> RSSI:-70 2567000 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.32
12:19:08.910 -> RSSI:-71 2575500 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.17
12:19:17.424 -> RSSI:-70 2584000 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.68
12:19:25.908 -> RSSI:-70 2592500 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:19:34.395 -> RSSI:-69 2601000 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:19:42.907 -> RSSI:-70 2609500 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:19:51.421 -> RSSI:-69 2618000 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:19:59.907 -> RSSI:-71 2626500 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.18
12:20:08.416 -> RSSI:-69 2635000 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.17
12:20:16.907 -> RSSI:-70 2643500 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.72
12:20:25.394 -> RSSI:-70 2652000 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:20:33.911 -> RSSI:-71 2660500 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:20:42.426 -> RSSI:-69 2669000 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:20:50.910 -> RSSI:-70 2677500 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:20:59.395 -> RSSI:-69 2686000 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.21
12:21:07.916 -> RSSI:-71 2694500 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.23
12:21:16.403 -> RSSI:-70 2703000 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.68
12:21:24.924 -> RSSI:-70 2711500 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:21:33.411 -> RSSI:-70 2720000 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:21:41.897 -> RSSI:-71 2728500 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:21:50.420 -> RSSI:-70 2737000 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:21:58.904 -> RSSI:-70 2745500 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.16
12:22:07.421 -> RSSI:-70 2754000 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.21
12:22:15.911 -> RSSI:-70 2762500 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.72
12:22:24.398 -> RSSI:-70 2771000 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:22:32.924 -> RSSI:-70 2779500 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:22:41.416 -> RSSI:-70 2788000 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:22:49.913 -> RSSI:-69 2796500 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:22:58.400 -> RSSI:-70 2805000 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.12
12:23:06.918 -> RSSI:-71 2813500 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.20
12:23:15.406 -> RSSI:-70 2822000 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.71
12:23:23.924 -> RSSI:-71 2830500 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:23:32.411 -> RSSI:-70 2839000 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:23:40.928 -> RSSI:-70 2847500 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:23:49.418 -> RSSI:-70 2856000 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:23:57.899 -> RSSI:-69 2864500 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.05
12:24:06.419 -> RSSI:-69 2873000 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.24
12:24:14.907 -> RSSI:-70 2881500 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.73
12:24:23.418 -> RSSI:-71 2890000 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:24:31.926 -> RSSI:-71 2898500 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:24:40.418 -> RSSI:-70 2907000 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:24:48.901 -> RSSI:-69 2915500 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:24:57.430 -> RSSI:-70 2924000 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.05
12:25:05.918 -> RSSI:-68 2932500 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.25
12:25:14.403 -> RSSI:-70 2941000 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.75
12:25:22.916 -> RSSI:-69 2949500 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:25:31.405 -> RSSI:-71 2958000 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:25:39.929 -> RSSI:-71 2966500 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:25:48.406 -> RSSI:-70 2975000 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:25:56.932 -> RSSI:-69 2983500 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.10
12:26:05.421 -> RSSI:-69 2992000 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.23
12:26:13.909 -> RSSI:-70 3000500 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.73
12:26:22.424 -> RSSI:-71 3009000 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:26:30.907 -> RSSI:-69 3017500 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:26:39.427 -> RSSI:-70 3026000 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:26:47.905 -> RSSI:-69 3034500 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:26:56.417 -> RSSI:-70 3043000 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.11
12:27:04.930 -> RSSI:-67 3051500 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.29
12:27:13.406 -> RSSI:-70 3060000 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.78
12:27:21.921 -> RSSI:-70 3068500 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:27:30.408 -> RSSI:-71 3077000 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:27:38.923 -> RSSI:-69 3085500 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:27:47.407 -> RSSI:-71 3094000 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:27:55.921 -> RSSI:-70 3102500 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.11
12:28:04.434 -> RSSI:-71 3111000 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.28
12:28:12.916 -> RSSI:-69 3119500 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.86
12:28:21.429 -> RSSI:-69 3128000 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:28:29.920 -> RSSI:-71 3136500 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:28:38.430 -> RSSI:-71 3145000 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:28:46.906 -> RSSI:-70 3153500 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:28:55.418 -> RSSI:-72 3162000 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.10
12:29:03.936 -> RSSI:-70 3170500 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.32
12:29:04.276 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:04.310 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:04.411 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:04.479 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:04.513 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:04.547 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:04.581 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:04.649 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:04.683 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:04.717 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:04.751 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:04.785 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:04.853 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:04.887 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:04.921 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:04.955 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:05.023 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:05.057 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:05.091 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:05.125 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:05.192 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:05.226 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:05.259 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:05.293 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:05.327 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:05.394 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:05.428 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:05.462 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:05.496 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:05.564 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:05.598 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:05.632 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:05.666 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:05.734 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:05.768 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:05.802 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:05.836 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:05.870 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:05.938 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:05.972 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:06.006 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:06.040 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:06.107 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:06.141 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:06.174 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:06.208 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:06.276 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:06.310 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:06.344 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:06.378 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:06.412 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:06.480 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:06.514 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:06.548 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:06.582 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:06.650 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:06.684 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:06.718 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:06.752 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:06.786 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:06.854 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:06.888 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:06.922 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:06.956 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:07.024 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:07.058 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:07.092 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:07.126 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:07.160 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:07.228 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:07.262 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:07.296 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:07.330 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:07.398 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:07.431 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:07.464 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:07.498 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:07.565 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:07.599 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:07.633 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:07.667 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:07.701 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:07.768 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:07.802 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:07.836 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:07.869 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:07.937 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:07.970 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:08.004 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:08.038 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:08.105 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:08.139 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:08.173 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:08.207 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:08.275 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:08.309 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:08.343 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:08.377 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:08.410 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:08.478 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:08.512 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:08.546 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:08.579 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:08.647 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:08.681 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:08.715 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:08.749 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:08.817 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:08.851 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:08.885 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:08.919 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:08.953 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:09.021 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:09.055 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:09.089 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:09.123 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:09.191 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:09.225 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:09.259 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:09.293 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:09.327 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:09.395 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:09.429 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:09.463 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:09.497 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:09.565 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:09.599 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:09.633 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:09.667 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:09.701 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:09.769 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:09.803 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:09.837 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:09.871 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:09.939 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:09.973 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:10.007 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:10.041 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:10.109 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:10.143 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:10.177 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:10.211 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:10.245 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:10.312 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:10.346 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:10.380 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:10.414 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:10.482 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:10.516 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:10.549 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:10.583 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:10.651 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:10.685 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:10.719 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:10.753 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:10.787 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:10.855 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:10.889 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:10.923 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:10.957 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:11.025 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:11.058 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:11.092 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:11.126 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:11.160 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:11.228 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:11.262 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:11.296 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:11.330 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:11.398 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:11.432 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:11.466 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:11.500 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:11.534 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:11.602 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:11.636 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:11.670 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:11.704 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:11.772 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:11.806 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:11.840 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:11.874 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:11.942 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:11.976 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:12.010 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:12.044 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:12.078 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:12.146 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:12.180 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:12.214 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:12.248 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:12.316 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:12.350 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:12.383 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:12.417 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:12.451 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:12.519 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:12.553 -> RSSI:-73 3179000 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.82
12:29:12.621 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:12.722 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:12.756 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:12.790 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:12.823 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:12.891 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:12.925 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:12.959 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:12.993 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:13.061 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:13.095 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:13.129 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:13.163 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:13.231 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:13.265 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:13.299 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:13.333 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:13.367 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:13.435 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:13.468 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:13.502 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:13.536 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:13.604 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:13.638 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:13.672 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:13.706 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:13.740 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:13.808 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:13.842 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:13.876 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:13.910 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:13.979 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:14.013 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:14.047 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:14.081 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:14.115 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:14.183 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:14.217 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:14.251 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:14.285 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:14.353 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:14.387 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:14.421 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:14.455 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:14.523 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:14.557 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:14.591 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:14.625 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:14.659 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:14.727 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:14.761 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:14.795 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:14.829 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:14.897 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:14.931 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:14.965 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:14.999 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:15.033 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:15.101 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:15.135 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:15.169 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:15.203 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:15.271 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:15.304 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:15.338 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:15.372 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:15.440 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:15.474 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:15.507 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:15.541 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:15.575 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:15.643 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:15.677 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:15.711 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:15.744 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:15.812 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:15.846 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:15.880 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:15.914 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:15.982 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:16.016 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:16.050 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:16.083 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:16.117 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:16.185 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:16.219 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:16.253 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:16.287 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:16.355 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:16.389 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:16.423 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:16.457 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:16.491 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:16.559 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:16.593 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:16.627 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:16.661 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:16.729 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:16.763 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:16.797 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:16.831 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:16.865 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:16.933 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:16.967 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:17.001 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:17.035 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:17.103 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:17.137 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:17.171 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:17.205 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:17.273 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:17.307 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:17.340 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:17.374 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:17.408 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:17.476 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:17.510 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:17.544 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:17.578 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:17.645 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:17.679 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:17.713 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:17.746 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:17.813 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:17.847 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:17.881 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:17.914 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:17.948 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:18.015 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:18.049 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:18.083 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:18.117 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:18.185 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:18.219 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:18.253 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:18.287 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:18.355 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:18.389 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:18.423 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:18.457 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:18.491 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:18.559 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:18.593 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:18.627 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:18.661 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:18.729 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:18.763 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:18.797 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:18.831 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:18.865 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:18.933 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:18.967 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:19.001 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:19.035 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:19.103 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:19.137 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:19.171 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:19.205 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:19.273 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:19.307 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:19.341 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:19.375 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:19.409 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:19.477 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:19.511 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:19.545 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:19.579 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:19.647 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:19.681 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:19.715 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:19.749 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:19.783 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:19.851 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:19.885 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:19.919 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:19.953 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:20.021 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:20.055 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:20.089 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:20.123 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:20.157 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:20.225 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:20.259 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:20.293 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:20.327 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:20.395 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:20.429 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:20.463 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:20.497 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:20.565 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:20.599 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:20.633 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:20.667 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:20.701 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:20.769 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:20.803 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:20.837 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:20.871 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:20.939 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:20.973 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:21.007 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:21.041 -> RSSI:-73 3187500 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:29:21.143 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:21.177 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:21.211 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:21.279 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:21.313 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:21.347 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:21.381 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:21.449 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:21.483 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:21.517 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:21.551 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:21.585 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:21.653 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:21.687 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:21.721 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:21.755 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:21.823 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:21.857 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:21.891 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:21.925 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:21.959 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:22.027 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:22.061 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:22.095 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:22.129 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:22.197 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:22.231 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:22.265 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:22.299 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:22.367 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:22.401 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:22.435 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:22.469 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:22.503 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:22.571 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:22.605 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:22.639 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:22.673 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:22.741 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:22.774 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:22.808 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:22.842 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:22.875 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:22.943 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:22.976 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:23.010 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:23.044 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:23.112 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:23.146 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:23.180 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:23.214 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:23.282 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:23.316 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:23.350 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:23.384 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:23.418 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:23.486 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:23.520 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:23.554 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:23.588 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:23.656 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:23.690 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:23.723 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:23.757 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:23.825 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:23.859 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:23.893 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:23.926 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:23.960 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:24.028 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:24.062 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:24.096 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:24.130 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:24.197 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:24.231 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:24.265 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:24.299 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:24.333 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:24.401 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:24.435 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:24.469 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:24.503 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:24.571 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:24.605 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:24.639 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:24.673 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:24.760 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:24.760 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:24.809 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:24.842 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:24.876 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:24.944 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:24.978 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:25.012 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:25.046 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:25.114 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:25.149 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:25.181 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:25.215 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:25.283 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:25.317 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:25.351 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:25.385 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:25.419 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:25.487 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:25.521 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:25.555 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:25.589 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:25.657 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:25.691 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:25.725 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:25.759 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:25.792 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:25.860 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:25.894 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:25.927 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:25.961 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:26.028 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:26.062 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:26.096 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:26.130 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:26.197 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:26.231 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:26.265 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:26.299 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:26.333 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:26.401 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:26.435 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:26.469 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:26.503 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:26.571 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:26.605 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:26.639 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:26.673 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:26.741 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:26.775 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:26.808 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:26.842 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:26.876 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:26.944 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:26.978 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:27.012 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:27.045 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:27.113 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:27.147 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:27.181 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:27.215 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:27.283 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:27.316 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:27.350 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:27.383 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:27.417 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:27.485 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:27.519 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:27.552 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:27.586 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:27.654 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:27.688 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:27.722 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:27.756 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:27.823 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:27.857 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:27.891 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:27.925 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:27.959 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:28.027 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:28.061 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:28.095 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:28.129 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:28.197 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:28.231 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:28.265 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:28.299 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:28.333 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:28.401 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:28.435 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:28.469 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:28.503 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:28.571 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:28.605 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:28.639 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:28.673 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:28.741 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:28.775 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:28.809 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:28.843 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:28.877 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:28.945 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:28.979 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:29.013 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:29.047 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:29.115 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:29.149 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:29.183 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:29.217 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:29.251 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:29.319 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:29.353 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:29.386 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:29.420 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:29.488 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:29.522 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:29.556 -> RSSI:-75 3196000 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:29:29.658 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:29.692 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:29.726 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:29.793 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:29.827 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:29.861 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:29.895 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:29.929 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:29.997 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:30.031 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:30.065 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:30.099 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:30.196 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:30.196 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:30.234 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:30.268 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:30.336 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:30.370 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:30.403 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:30.437 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:30.471 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:30.539 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:30.573 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:30.607 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:30.641 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:30.709 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:30.743 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:30.777 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:30.811 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:30.845 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:30.913 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:30.947 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:30.981 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:31.015 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:31.083 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:31.117 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:31.151 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:31.185 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:31.219 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:31.287 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:31.321 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:31.355 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:31.388 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:31.457 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:31.491 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:31.525 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:31.559 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:31.627 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:31.661 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:31.695 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:31.729 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:31.763 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:31.831 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:31.865 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:31.899 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:31.933 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:32.001 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:32.035 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:32.069 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:32.103 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:32.137 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:32.205 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:32.239 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:32.273 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:32.307 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:32.375 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:32.408 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:32.442 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:32.476 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:32.544 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:32.578 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:32.612 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:32.646 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:32.680 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:32.748 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:32.782 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:32.816 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:32.850 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:32.918 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:32.952 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:32.986 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:33.020 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:33.054 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:33.122 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:37.975 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:38.043 -> RSSI:-70 3204500 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:29:38.110 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:38.177 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:38.211 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:38.245 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:38.279 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:38.346 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:38.380 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:38.414 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:38.448 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:38.482 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:38.550 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:38.584 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:38.618 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:38.652 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:38.720 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:38.754 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:38.788 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:38.822 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:38.856 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:38.924 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:38.958 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:38.991 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:39.025 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:39.093 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:39.127 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:39.161 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:39.195 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:39.262 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:39.296 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:39.330 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:39.364 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:39.431 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:39.465 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:39.499 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:39.533 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:39.567 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:39.635 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:39.669 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:39.703 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:39.737 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:39.805 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:39.839 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:39.873 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:39.907 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:39.941 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:40.009 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:40.043 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:40.077 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:40.111 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:40.179 -> Attempting MQTT connection...connected
12:29:46.414 -> RSSI:-71 3213000 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:29:54.928 -> RSSI:-69 3221500 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 47.39
12:30:03.405 -> RSSI:-73 3230000 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.28
12:30:11.924 -> RSSI:-72 3238500 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.85
12:30:20.404 -> RSSI:-71 3247000 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:30:28.916 -> RSSI:-71 3255500 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:30:37.425 -> RSSI:-72 3264000 Case 5: T65 Bootsschuppen innen                Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:30:45.937 -> RSSI:-72 3272500 Case 6: T66 Bootsschuppen aussen               Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:30:54.419 -> RSSI:-71 3281000 Case 0: BME280 Humidity [%]: 46.97
12:31:02.922 -> RSSI:-71 3289500 Case 1: BME280 Pressure [hPa]: 1020.29
12:31:11.430 -> RSSI:-72 3298000 Case 2: BME280 T41 Bootsschuppen Repeater [C]: 21.92
12:31:19.907 -> RSSI:-72 3306500 Case 3: T63 Bootsschuppen Repeater unter 1260e Temperatur [C]: -127.000
12:31:28.414 -> RSSI:-73 3315000 Case 4: T64 Bootsschuppen Repeater über 1260e  Temperatur [C]: -127.000

Ändern sich deine Messwerte so schnell, da du alle 8,5 Sek. messen und senden musst ?
Ich würde da die Zeit etwas länger wählen.

Alle 8,5 Sekunden wird ein Wert gesendet.
Es sind 7 Sensoren/Sensorwerte.
7 x 8,5s = 59,5 Sekunden Durchlauf für alle Sensoren.
Das heisst jeder Wert wird ungefähr 1x pro Minute gespeichert. Ich könnte natürlich auch alle 7 Werte auf einmal senden und dann eine Minute warten.
Ich wollte aber die "Last" etwas verteilen (ist wohl nicht wirklich eine Last).
Das ist ja nur ein Teil des Ganzen.
Insgesamt habe ich ungefähr 100 Sensoren, die in die Datenbank minutlich die Werte speichern.
Die Werte kommen auf verschiedenen Wegen in die Datenbank.
Dieser ESP8266 sendet nur 7 Werte.

Da ich mich mit MQTT nicht auskenne, vermute nach wie vor ein "Lastproblem".
Ich würde die Daten in einem Step senden und dann eine längere Zeit warten.

Wir wissen ja nicht, was Du alles messen willst, aber prüfe für jeden Messwert, ob der sich innerhalb 1 Minute signifikant ändern kann. Bei Umgebungstemperaturen/-feuchte/-druck ist das definitiv nicht der Fall, da genügen 5 bis 15 Minuten.
Zu MQTT kann ich auch nichts sagen, habe aber die Erfahrung gemacht, dass die Messintervalle in der Regel viel zu kurz bemessen sind.

Wenn Du Dein MQTT moch aus anderen Quellen in diesen Intervallen bepflasterst, wird das irgendwann nicht mehr alles mitnehmen. Bei 100 Messwerten pro Minute mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit nicht.

Gruß Tommy

Ich habe die Erfahrungen gemacht, das MQTT-Broker Sender ignorieren, wenn sie zu oft und in zu kurzen Intervallen senden.

Ich hatte ESPs die 8-10 Werte ziemlich Zeitgleich übermittelt haben. Ab und zu kamen dann nicht alle an. Der ESP konnte dann ein paar Minuten keine Verbindung mehr zum Broker aufbauen. Vielleicht ein Spam Schutz?

Ich habe dann die Daten in ein JSON gepackt und somit nur eine einzelne Nachricht publisht. Seither keine verlorenen Daten mehr.

An deiner Ausgabe sieht man auch, das die Verbindung zum Broker verloren geht.

Ich habe mich aber nicht damit beschäftigt, ob man am Broker diesbezüglich etwas einstellen kann. Vielleicht suchst du mal in diese Richtung.

Vielleicht wirst du hier fündig:

Der MQTT Broker ist mosquitto und der läuft neben node-RED und dem Volkszähler aus einem Raspberry Pi 3. Der sieht ne CPU Last von 1-2%

Vielleicht müsste man ne Library finden, die auch QOS 2 kann, dann müsste ja sichergestellt werden, dass die Werte ankommen.

Wie kann man denn 7 Topics in ein JSON packen und zum MQTT Broker schicken?

Nein, das ist dann nur noch ein Topic. Die Strukturierung ist dann im JSON. Kann zum Beispiel so aussehen


Dein Zentrale dröselt dann den JSON wieder auf und weist die Werte dann Items zu. Mal als Beispiel für openHAB


Thing mqtt:topic:Klima_Wohnzimmer 	"Sens 13" {
			Type number : Temperatur	"Temperatur"		[ stateTopic="Sensor/13", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Temp"]
			Type number : Humidity		"Luftfeuchte"		[ stateTopic="Sensor/13", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Humi"]
			Type number : Pressure		"Luftdruck"			[ stateTopic="Sensor/13", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Druck"]
			Type number : Voltage		"Volt"				[ stateTopic="Sensor/13", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Vcc"]


Number          BME280_Wohnzimmer_Temperatur                    "Wohnzimmer Temperatur °C"                      (WZTEMPHUM, TEMPERATUR)  {channel="mqtt:topic:Klima_Wohnzimmer:Temperatur"}
Number          BME280_Wohnzimmer_Humidity                      "Wohnzimmer Luftfeuchte %"                      (WZTEMPHUM, HUMINITY)    {channel="mqtt:topic:Klima_Wohnzimmer:Humidity"}
Number          BME280_Wohnzimmer_Pressure                      "Luftdruck hPa"                                 (PRESSURE)               {channel="mqtt:topic:Klima_Wohnzimmer:Pressure"}
Number          BME280_Wohnzimmer_Voltage                       "Wohnzimmer V"                                  (VOLTAGE)                {channel="mqtt:topic:Klima_Wohnzimmer:Voltage"}

Wie du mit Arduino ein JSON erstellst/bearbeitest wird hier gut erklärt.
ArduinoJson: Efficient JSON serialization for embedded C++

Moin Moin,

ja das selbe Problem habe ich auch.

Mein MQTT Server läuft bei mir auf einem etwas älterem aber doch extrem Leistungsstarken Lenovo Rack Server, mit 32 Virtuellen Kernen (Intel Xeon E5-2630) als VM und richtigem Linux mit dem mosquitto server.
Zudem habe ich noch viele Virtuelle Maschinen die auf diesem Server und anderen liegen, welche alle mit dem MQTT Server verknüpft sind, um so Sachen wie Backup Startzeitpunkt etc oder allgemein die CPU Auslastung, Festplatten Speicher oder andere Werte in OpenHab darzustellen und bei bestimmten Werten richtig zu handeln. (Stromausfall -> USV hat noch 30 Minuten restenergie, sende noch schnell eine Nachricht an mein Handy und fange schonmal an die VM's herunterzufahren usw.)
Dadurch gehen bei mir etwa 40 bis 90 Nachrichten pro Sekunde durch den MQTT Server, trotzdem läuft der ganze Spaß auf den Linux Servern ohne Probleme, nur die Arduino machen Probleme ohne ende....

Ich habe bei mir sehr viele ESP8266 und ESP32 mit DHT, Bewegungsmeldern und Piepsern im Betrieb.
Da merke ich bei mir auch, dass manche Werte nach starten des Microcontrollers meistens sofort durchgehen, aber nach einer längeren Laufzeit nicht mehr alle Werte mitschicken.
Da kommen dann meistens nur noch 15% der Nachrichten an.

Gerade bei Bewegungsmelder (Alarmanlage) wäre dies schon sehr wünschenswert.
Da manche jede Sekunde in einem Online Topic eine Nachricht sendet, um zu wissen, dass sich der Sensor nicht verabschiedet hat oder manipuliert und vom Strom getrennt wurde.....
Da kommt meistens erst nach 5 Sekunden oder, jetzt zum Beispiel nach 4 Tagen nichts mehr an.

Das seltsame ist, bei einem Raspberry Pi Zero über die Shell Konsole (Ubuntu Server) mit (mosquitto_pub -h host_ip -t TOPIC -m 'Meine Nachricht') und if Befehlen davor, funktioniert das. ganze problemlos.
Oder auch in Python, da funzt das ganze ohne Probleme.
Einen Raspberry Pi habe ich zur Steuerung von vielen Relais in meinem Stromnetz, dieser muss relativ häufig Relais ein und ausschalten, das passiert innerhalb von Millisekunden, echt erstaunlich.
Also bei Raspberry Pi's ist Publishen und Subscriben sehr zuverlässig, da hatte ich bis jetzt keine Probleme gehabt.

Subscriben bei den ESP8266 klappt bei mir sehr schlecht, auch hier handelt er nach dem Einschalten sehr schnell, doch nach 30 Sekunden braucht er sehr lange und nach 2 Minuten reagiert er garnicht mehr.

Ich denke, dass ich nach dem Chipmangel auf kleine Raspberry Pi Zero W umsteigen werden, auch wenn die um einiges Teurer sind als die ESP8266.


Ich vermute mittlerweile, dass es an der Library liegt.
Ich vermute, dass diese nur 1x pro Sekunde sendet.
Da ich den QOS auf 2 gestellt habe kommen die Daten zwar ab, aber schon stark verzögert.

Weiss jemand Rat wie man sicher ubd schnell MQTT Daten übertragen kann?

Am MQTT Broker liegt das sicher nicht. Der langweilt sich mit den paar Bits eher zu Tode...

Beste Grüße,

Vielleicht hängt es damit zusammen
Keepalive Timeout für Standard MQTT Broker ist 10s, pubsubclient ist Standard auf 15s gesetzt? · Ausgabe #239 · Knolleary/PubSubclient · GitHub

Soweit ich weiss kann die pubsubclient gar kein QOS 2.
Deswegen setze ich die .....async ein (kann grad nicht nachsehen wie die genau heisst)

*Mist gerade gesehen, dass ich meine Nachricht doch nicht gesendet hatte.

Alles klar, gut möglich.

Ja, dass es an der Lib liegt ist auch ein Gedanke.
Ich war am hin und her schwanken ob es an den ESP's liegt und die einfach nicht genug Kraft haben oder dass es halt an der Library liegt.
Schade eigentlich, da hätte man echt günstig viele coole Projekte bauen können.

Raspberry Pi Zero W brauchen halt ewig zum hochfahren, da diese ein richtiges Betriebssystem haben, brauchen mehr Strom und kosten knapp 10 € mehr, wenn man sie überhaupt noch bekommt, aber dafür könntest du deinen Code per SSH aus der Verne schnell verändern.
So langsam gefällt mir der Gedanke immer mehr :wink:

Wie hast du dass unter Arduino mit den QOS ermöglicht?

Mir ist heute ein ESP8266 komplett ausgestiegen und hat nichts mehr gesendet.
Also hatte ich das ganze Skript neu draufsspielen lassen und nochmal und nochmal, doch es lief nicht mehr.
Danach hatte ich mal alle Serial Print stellen gelöscht (waren nur 3 Stück), danach lief er wieder :joy: keine Ahnung was da los war....

Ich hatte gestern mal einen ESP8266 etwas penetriert, unter void loop () { hatte ich client.publish und so weiter ohne delay laufen lassen. Also wirklich nur ein ganz kurzes Skript.
Das heißt, er sollte nicht warten und die einzige Begrenzung war seine eigene Rechenkraft, somit hat er versucht Pakete so schnell wie er halt nur kann, zu senden und das hat sehr gut funktioniert.

Er hat extrem schnell und viele Pakete geschickt (waren bestimmt so um die 50-70 Nachrichten in einer Sekunde), ich hatte es ca. 4 Stunden laufen lassen und er lief und lief. Danach hatte ich das Experiment mal abgebrochen, da er keine Schwierigkeiten hatte.

Jedoch sendeten die anderen ESP8266 nicht mehr so viel.
Meistens sendeten die Temperatur Sensoren nur noch die Temperatur nach 2-4 Minuten, anstatt alle 60 Sekunden die Temperatur, Luftfeuchtigkeit und ein Online Status zu senden.
Die Linux Server konnten jedoch wunderbar weiter arbeiten und kommunizieren, also waren nur die ESP's eingeschränkt.
Ich denke nicht, dass es an dem WLAN lag, da ich auf Ubiquiti's AP's setze und diese schon ordentlich power haben und es sind ja nur MQTT Nachrichten.

Ich kann mir darauf keinen Reim machen, ich verwende kein QOS und ein gutes WLAN Signal bekommen die ESP's auch. Manchmal sind sie superschnell und manchmal funktionieren sie garnicht mehr und dann plötzlich wieder und dann wieder nur halb und so weiter.
Unter Linux gibt es keine Probleme.
Die Fehler sind vor allem auch immer wieder anders, außer das mit dem subscriben von Topics, da kannst du drehen was du willst, dat funzt einfach nicht...... oder halt nicht lange.

Liebe Grüße

Wie hoch ist denn der RSSI deiner ESPs?
Kannst auch im Router nachschauen wie hoch die Datenrate ist.


also mein schlechtestes Ergebnis is -72dBm bei einem ESP auf der Terrasse.
Sonst liegt das Signal bei den anderen so im Bereich -45dBm bis -65dBm.

Die Daten die am Tag so übertragen werden pro Client liegt auch so im Bereich von 200MB bis hin zu 800MB bei sehr aktiven ESP's.
Es gab auch schon Tage, wo die GB Marke geknackt wurden, da die Sensoren relativ oft ausgelöst wurden.

Ich hatte deine Antwort nicht ganz verstanden, wolltest du dass wissen oder meinst du etwas anderes?

hubderte Megabyte über MQTT?
Ich vermute und hoffe, dass du dich da um Zehnerpotenzen vertan hast, oder?

Wer weiß :joy:
JaNe ich meinte eigentlich die 1GB Marke

Wie konnte das Grundproblem entsprechend gelöst werden?

Das Problem ist noch nicht gelöst.
Meine subjektive Wahrnehmung ist:

  1. Es gibt Libraries, die zwar MQTT senden, aber nicht darauf achten, ob die Daten auch wirklich ankommen. Da gehen dann auch mal Daten verloren.

  2. Es gibt Libraries, die achten zwar darauf, dass die Daten ankommen, aber da sind die Sendeintervalle so lang, dass die Daten nicht schnell genug durchkommen. Die benötigte Geschwindigkeit liegt bei etwa 2-3 Werte pro Sekunde, was für MQTT eigentlich relativ wenig ist.

Achso: WLAN und Broker Probleme schließe ich aus, weil due Verbindung sehr schnell und leistungsfähig ist und der Broker sich eher total langweilt (ca. 1-2% Auslastung)

Beste Grüße,