[MQTT project started] Mosquitto OK, PubSub ok, Paho ok: where to go now ?


I've started with Mosquitto broker well installed on Ubuntu 18-LTS

The Arduino Library PubSubClient works fine on ESP01

I now want to drive my ESP01 via Websocket, so I've installed Paho JS with success : communication between a web Page on Firefox located on my old Mac and the Broker on Ubuntu is Okay.

Now I'm stuck, where should I go to get my ESP01 working over websocket with my Mosquitto Broker?
It seems I can't do that with PubSubClient ...

Any advice would be appreciated.

Ok closed topic.

If needed:

If you want websocket AND mqtt protocol you have to specify in the .conf file you use and launched with:
$ mosquitto -c path_to_the_file

that file should have:

listener 9001
protocol websocket
listener 1883
protocol mqtt

EVEN if the defaut port and protocol are 1883 mqtt !