msgeq7 out to 595shift regsisters

// Example 48.1 - > chapter 48 - 30 Jan 2013 
// MSGEQ7 spectrum analyser shield - basic demonstration
int strobe = 4; // strobe pins on digital 4
int res = 5; // reset pins on digital 5
int left[7]; // store band values in these arrays
int right[7];
int band;
void setup()
 pinMode(res, OUTPUT); // reset
 pinMode(strobe, OUTPUT); // strobe
 digitalWrite(res,LOW); // reset low
 digitalWrite(strobe,HIGH); //pin 5 is RESET on the shield
void readMSGEQ7()
// Function to read 7 band equalizers
 digitalWrite(res, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(res, LOW);
 for(band=0; band <7; band++)
 digitalWrite(strobe,LOW); // strobe pin on the shield - kicks the IC up to the next band 
 delayMicroseconds(30); // 
 left[band] = analogRead(0); // store left band reading
 right[band] = analogRead(1); // ... and the right
void loop()
 // display values of left channel on serial monitor
 for (band = 0; band < 7; band++)
 Serial.print(" ");
// display values of right channel on serial monitor
 for (band = 0; band < 7; band++)
 Serial.print(" ");

this will help me get started but iam no good at code and would like to know if some one has a modified version that includes outputting to 595 reg's so I can add lots of led for a light effect or would it be better just to use this code and output to mosfett's and get lots of light that way and maybe a link to a circuit how to hook it up I am still unclear where the outputs on the arduino are, are they some thing like D3-13 or something I am using a mega so I have lots of pins to hook up too