Hello all!
I aim to make a multimeter using Arduino which would measure voltages as high as 100V and as low as 1~0.005V.
How should I start ? What are the hardwares required ??... please help
please help someone!!!!
Please help what?
Give you complete working code?
If so, I suggest you advertise your project and pay someone to do the work.
The aim is to make a multimeter using Arduino which would measure voltages as high as 250V and as low as 1~0.005V.
Added to that a high precision ammeter .... would suffice my needs..... please help someone!!!! Thanks
There are various chips which implement multimeter functionality, and some support a serial protocol as
well as driving an LCD display. My multimeter for instance has serial USB support (opto-isolated) uses
the FS9922-DM4. That's probably ancient chip by now, but there is a datasheet at least!
Hello all!
I aim to make a multimeter using Arduino which would measure voltages as high as 100V and as low as 1~0.005V.
How should I start ? What are the hardwares required ??... please help
The most suitable (and far cheapest) hardware will be... a multimeter.
Given any arduino has a poor reference for it's a/d, whatever you do it won't be very accurate unless calibrated - and even then the temperature coefficient is poor as well.
There is also the problem of dealing with hazardous voltages , not a great beginners project
Hello Rajnist
I consider doing the same project. Here is an interesting one http://www.instructables.com/id/Digital-multimeter-shield-for-Arduino/ It gives good fundamental knowledge but If I was to design a multimeter I would not reinvent the wheel, and I don’t expect very accurate results from this, so I would choose the option of MarkT and use a dedicated chip. Here we face a couple of problems:
- these chips are expensive
- they nevertheless require additional circuitry that need quite a lot of study
- I would not design a board for voltages above 30 volts
- most of them work directly with a segment display. Some are designed with a microcontroller, that is the trend nowadays but I don’t know where to find the right chip.
Let me know about this project.
You can design a simple digital voltmeter with Arduino Nano for measuring DC voltages 0-55V.
Take a look into this page for the project: Nano Digital Volt Meter - Codrey Electronics
Hello all!
I aim to make a multimeter using Arduino which would measure voltages as high as 100V and as low as 1~0.005V.
How should I start ? What are the hardwares required ??... please help
First create a multimeter using an Arduino to measure voltages between 0V and 5V. Then come back and we'll advise you on how to accomplish the range you're looking for.
(There are loads of projects on the web using an Arduino to measure 0-5V.)
Reading replies #4,5,6 again would be a good idea. There are plenty of multimeters around that have data output, usually by some opto-isolated serial. I imagine you could use that to couple up an Arduino quite easily, not to mention safely, and actually get something useful out of the exercise, instead of fartarsing about trying to re-invent the wheel.. This is because you would then be taking advantage of Arduino's strengths, rather than trying to work around its weaknesses.