Using RFID on Arduino A
DHT11 and MQ135 on Arduino B
Both Arduino is using Uno WiFi R2 and using the #include <WiFiNINA.h> library.
How to make then connected together and show the data together on a web server running on Arduino B. At the same time both Arduino are sending data to Google sheets as database.
The web server need to grab the data from google sheet or can get live data from the arduino?
Another question is how to make this code below runs faster without delay when uploading. Now it takes a while before it uploads. The delay i notice is an additional time taken different from the set delay();
The use of String class has been given warnings from many helpers.
Could draw a logic block diagram showing the dataflow, speed, resoncetime etc.?
Multi controller setups calls for 4 times the difficulties. You need a communication ptocol that suits the data flow.
you could run a simple TCP or UDP server on one of the UNO WiFi devices and a client on the other communicating data as required
why do you require two microcontrollers? as @Railroader states susing multiple microcontrollers with the overhead of interprocessor communication makes the overall task much more complex
My group trying out IoT project simulating a simple smart hospital. Monitor air quailty, temp, RFID, etc. Nees seprate arduino to handle 2 rooms. All ardrino can connect to google sheets as databas.
The issue im having is to link them together to show live data from all arduino on the web server. 1 of the Arduino will handle the http and data from itself and other arduinos. Or do I need to host the http separately on web hosting and link the arduinos instead. Want to have notifications as well for Android (looks easier than iOS i suppose)
you appear to have started with hardware (Uno WiFi R2 ) and are attempting to force the application to run on the hardware
I think you need to draw up a system requirements specification, e..g. IO devices such as sensors, LEDs, etc required, how results are to be displayed (smartphone apps, webservers, etc)
you then select hardware to meet the requirements not the other way around
Edit: If you require communication between the two rooms is there local WiFi coverage which you can use?
if not would a WiFi station in one room communicate with an access point in the other room? this can depend on wall materials, thickness of wall, etc
Maybe its too much demand of data for the arduino microcontroller.
How abt using xampp running a localhost on conputer than all connected on the same wifi network,
Send live data and control arduino Led on/off from the localhost or
I use data from google sheets to display and control arduino LED on/off from the localhost.