multiple arduinos with bluetooth - android

Hello and thanks for reading

I am currently working on this project involving 3 arduinos (2 Lilypad, 1 Uno), each one with a bluetooth module (2 Bluetooth mate, 1 seedbluetooth shield); several sensors (accelerometer/magnetometer) and one android tablet (using the Bluetooth Ketai Library).

Since I need to send data from the arduinos to the android and viceversa, I needed to know if this is possible. I mean, can I connect several bluetooth modules to my Android, and how? Because, actually I can connect to one of the arduinos, and when I try to connect to the second one at the same time, the first one gets disconnected.

The Ketai library says explicitly that one can connect several bluetooth devices to the android, but I must be doing something wrong since it has not been possible for me. Any hints?

The Ketai library says explicitly that one can connect several bluetooth devices to the android, but I must be doing something wrong since it has not been possible for me. Any hints?

Have you checked that your hardware is able to do that? The library may support multiple connections but that doesn't mean that every Android device has hardware that has support for it too.

Hi pylon thank you for your reply.
I'm using a nexus 7, which is able to handle up to at least two bluetooth devices, since you can connect a wireless keyboard and wireless headphones at the same time.
I'm using Processing to code the application for the android, with the Ketai bluetooth library, could it be possible there are some restrictions to bluetooth connections because of this?