Does anyone know how to use two AS5047P encoders, wired into the same Arduino Nano 33 IOT?
I am using the: Jonas Merkle AS5047P library and reading a single encoder works fine but I want to swap to the second encoder, on a second motor, and I can't work out how... Does anyone have experience with this, could perhaps suggest a solution I could test?
Below is the example code which works fine for a single encoder:
* @file BasicReadAngle.ino
* @author Jonas Merkle [JJM] (jonas@jjm.one)
* @brief This is a basic example program to read the angle position from a AS5047 rotary encoder.
* The angle postion gets updated and printed to the serial consol once a second.
* @version 2.2.1
* @date 2023-07-04
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2023 Jonas Merkle. This project is released under the GPL-3.0 License License.
* More Information can be found here:
* https://github.com/jonas-merkle/AS5047P
// include the library for the AS5047P sensor.
#include <AS5047P.h>
// define a led pin.
#define LED_PIN 13
// define the chip select port.
#define AS5047P_CHIP_SELECT_PORT 9
// define the spi bus speed
#define AS5047P_CUSTOM_SPI_BUS_SPEED 100000
// initialize a new AS5047P sensor object.
// arduino setup routine
void setup() {
// set the pinmode of the led pin to output.
// initialize the serial bus for the communication with your pc.
// initialize the AS5047P sensor and hold if sensor can't be initialized.
while (!as5047p.initSPI()) {
Serial.println(F("Can't connect to the AS5047P sensor! Please check the connection..."));
// arduino loop routine
void loop() {
// read the sensor
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); // activate the led.
Serial.print("Angle: "); // print some text to the serial consol.
Serial.println(as5047p.readAngleDegree()); // read the angle value from the AS5047P sensor an print it to the serial consol.
delay(500); // wait for 500 milli seconds.
// wait
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW); // deactivate the led.
delay(500); // wait for 500 milli seconds.
thanks for your time,