Multiple baud rates for the LCD by Serial port in the Mega


I have an LCD screen that I use 9600 baud rate for using it though one serial ports of the Mega. I am also using other serial ports () but at a different, higher baud rate. as such I get problems in reading characters and get garbage in the serial monitor. Could the multiple baud rate be the reason. Is it possible that the use multiple baud rates for the serials without problems?

Thanks George

Can you try them all at the same rate and see if you continue to have problems?

Not sure why you have different rates.

I am also using other serial ports () but at a different, higher baud rate. as such I get problems in reading characters and get garbage in the serial monitor.

Did you remember to change the baud rate in the serial monitor (lower right corner) as well as in your sketch?


Not sure why you have different rates.

That's the whole advantage of having more than one serial port. You can more easily communicate with several different devices even if they run at different baud rates. The rate is not always adjustable in some devices so you have to adapt the Arduino to match whatever the other device uses.
