multiple devices on analog input

Hello everyone.
Is there any way to connect multiple devices to analog input of the arduino? For example, if I connect accelerometer (ADXL3xx) to arduino, it sits on all of the analog input pins - there is no pins left for potentiometer or an infrared receiver (TSOP-1738).

That accelerometer only uses three analog pins for inputs. You could unplug the accelerometer board away from the arduino board and run wires to the needed pins, freeing up three analog pins.

If you can wire up a cable so that the xyz pins on the accelerometer board are connected to the analog pins 1 through 3, and you connect the vcc and gnd lines to the pins marked +5v and gnd on the arduino, you will get back three of the analog pins.

If you do this, remove the code in your sketch that writes to the groundpin and powerpin (digital pins 18 and 19 are analog pins 4 and 5)

Means there is chance to connect accelerometer + Motor Shield (from + infrared receiver to arduino 2009?

I don't think the motor shield uses any of the analog pins, you don't say what the requirements are for the IR receiver but this should only need a single digital pin.

So it may work if you can get access to all the pins with the shields connected up.

Check out exactly what pins the motor shield uses and verify that you will have enough free to do everything you want.

Yes, you were right, that motor shield does not use any of analog pins.