I have a project that includes 6 HX711 ADCs connected to 5Kg load cells and all connected to a Mega. I keep having an issue where one of the load cells always seems to drift too much. instead of reading 0 or 1 when there is no load on it, it will drift as high as a reading of 30.
Its not a issue with a cell of HX711, I don't think. If I change them around, the problem will move to another cell.
Each HX711 has its own SCK and DT line on the mega, and I have two HX711s on a 7805 (total of 3 7805s).
Anyone have any ideas what may be causing one of the load cells to drift much more than the rest which are performing as expected?
If the drift follows the HX711 or the load cell around that is where the problem lays .
Check you wiring - all 0v and supply lines should come back to a common point , fed from your regulator . Check the supply voltage at each HX711 is the same .
Check the wiring to your load cells is identical and secure.
eliminate software error :Write a simple sketch to read one load cell and connect to each HX711/cell in turn and compare
Moving the cells around it looks like the fault is at one connection point. Check that connection. What pins of the Mega are used for the troubeling channel? I don't know Megas so I can only guess that something like timer, etc.. connected to those I/Os are used by some other part of Your project.