Multiple I2C busses

Looking at the ina219. It only has 4 selectable ID's. This means that my project can have max 4 modules connected.
Now my question...
Can it be possible to connect 4 modules to arduino ID 8 and another 4 modules on arduino ID 9 and 4 more on arduino ID 10. Then have all 3 arduino's communicate via I2C to a master arduino for processing?

I have searched somewhat on google but mostly found how to connected more devices. Never found if there could be a workaround for this limit.

INA219 datasheet says 16 addresses (Table 1.) but I don't know how it works in real.

It indeed has 16 addresses. It has two address pins but you can not only connect those to Vcc and GND. But also to SDA and SCL :slight_smile:

It indeed has 16 addresses. It has two address pins but you can not only connect those to Vcc and GND. But also to SDA and SCL :slight_smile:

Yes, I comprehended form the datasheet without deep study. It is a new I2C trick for me. :o

Looking at the ina219. It only has 4 selectable ID's. This means that my project can have max 4 modules connected.

So as you have been told there are 16 addresses this device can have. So you can have 16 devices on the one bus.

Then have all 3 arduino's communicate via I2C to a master arduino for processing?

It is a typical beginners response to throw multiple Arduinos at a project when some pecieved limit is reached. This is almost always a mistake and causes more problems than it it is worth

Yes, I comprehended form the datasheet without deep study. It is a new I2C trick for me. :o

Note it is a trick that will only work on devices designed to do this. It is not universally applicable. This is to clear things up for any newbee reading this not you. :slight_smile:

Or take a look at this chip tca9548a-1-to-8-i2c-multiplexer-breakout
