Hopefully this is the right area to ask about this, if not give me a nidge to the right area.
Anyway, I've been running through a project idea in my mind and I think Arduino would work for it but I couldn't really find a definitive answer (Possibly because I'm not 100% sure on what terms to use for searching for it).
Basically I'm looking to find out if it will actually support what I want to do, here are the main requirements.
Handle two sets of 3 Pin inputs, these inputs need to be processed when different things occur with them, for instance if Pin 2 & 3 of the inputs change from no voltage to a positive voltage (for instance on the completion of a circuit) and following that the same change occurs on the other set of 3 Pin inputs, I need to be able to determine with millisecond accuracy the difference in trigger times between these changes.
In addition to this I'm looking to be doing two other things, firstly looking for input from either a Bluetooth or IR Receiver (Remote Control input) and secondly processing a Timer Minute and Seconds.
I'm confident that any one of these alone is possible but I'm not how Arduino works with multple processing being performed at once so I figured I'd ask some people with more experience
to determine with millisecond accuracy the difference in trigger times between these changes.
Actually, you can get 16 000 times better timing precision.
Good to know ^.^
Just after reading this I found the right terms I needed to identify this, a conversion rate for MHz into Milliseconds so it's good to know.
As none of the tasks are particularly taxing it should easily be sufficient.
External Interrupts
The External Interrupts are triggered by the INT0 and INT1 pins or any of the PCINT23...0 pins.
Observe that, if enabled, the interrupts will trigger even if the INT0 and INT1 or PCINT23...0 pins
are configured as outputs. This feature provides a way of generating a software interrupt. The
pin change interrupt PCI2 will trigger if any enabled PCINT[23:16] pin toggles. The pin change
interrupt PCI1 will trigger if any enabled PCINT[14:8] pin toggles. The pin change interrupt PCI0
will trigger if any enabled PCINT[7:0] pin toggles. The PCMSK2, PCMSK1 and PCMSK0 Regis-
ters control which pins contribute to the pin change interrupts.
Any pin could generate interrupt, only to make it works could be a little bit tricky.