I'm working with a company to prototype a cloud-based system to solve their material handling issues. At the moment their machine operators fetch their own materials and they want to get a guy on a forklift dedicated to supplying the machines instead. The question is how to notify the operator.
They tried walkie talkies but the devices get lost. If the attach the walkie talkie to the forklift, he might not be on it to hear the machine operators requests.
So the system I have devised has two MKR-1000s, both with a button and leds. When the machine operator pushes the button, it changes a variable in the cloud to notify the device on the forklift, which changes an LED color to show which machine needs material. That's the simple version, I have already prototyped this side of things and it works great.
The only problem, is that the business premises are massive and they have multiple networks in different parts of the premises. Is there a way to get the Arduino's to switch to different networks, through the IoT system?
Any ideas on how to make this work would be appreciated. Thanks!