I'm using 7 different sensors and using I2C for communication for each sensor. Can anyone recommend better way to connect/interface them to the board?
Better than what ?
Well, since you have not told us how you have the sensors connected, or if there are any problems, its a bit difficult to advise on a 'better' method.
recommend any method
As you have not described the current method being used it is difficult to suggest a better one
How are the sensors connected to the Arduino at the moment ?
via breadboard by making bus for SDA and SCL
If you are just experimenting then a breadboard is probably the easiest solution
For a more permanent project the next step would be protoboard, perhaps even in the same layout as the breadboard
For a final solution a PCB would be best
yes I'm just using breadboard for prototyping. But is it recommendable to use 7 sensors like that?
I2C is a bus system so can be used with multiple sensors, each with a different address. Exactly which sensors are you using ?
all are temperature sensor:
AHT20,BMP280,BMP390,RTC and onboard temperature sensors on arduino nano ble sense rev 2
It seems to be a typical XY problem.
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