Hi Everyone,
I am Newbie to arduino, i just wanted to know that i have connected three different Sensors over a serial communication i.e rs422/485/232 to arduino mega2560. My Question is that when ever i try to connect all the sensors at the same time... i get garbage values and Incoming data over serial monitor doesn't follow any sequence Of code.
Can i Attach 3 or more sensors at the same time to arduino to get real time values?
Can i place delay between sensors so that i don't get garbage values and each sensor inputs data at it's own turn. please help Guys.
Yes you can have multiple sensors.
How many sensors can you attach before you start to get garbage?
What has this got to do with COVID?
All sorts of reasons to get garbage.
It could be delays in your code, or RX buffer overrun or debug Serial output holding things up.
Have a look at my tutorial on Arduino Serial I/O for the Real World which covers all of these.
Robin's updated serial input basics is a good read to get a better understanding of serial communication.
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