Subject: Multiple Shift Register 74HC595 Daisy Chained Together.
Hi Guys,
I have been around programing for many years but I’m new to the Arduino and Electronics in general.
Following some examples and playing with bread boards I have come up with my first project.
It is an 8 (rows) x 32 (columns) LED Display for my Arduino.
My first goal is to be able to turn on any individual LED given its row and column position.
The Setup
For the LED’s I have connected all the anodes together for the columns and all the cathodes together to form the rows. (similar to all those led cubes around)
I have used one Shift register to set the negative on the rows side of the LEDs.
I have used four Shift Registers to set the positive on the column side of the LEDs.
Shift Register Data Sheet
The four column shift registers are daisy chained together Pin 9 serial data output connected to pin 14 serial data input
As shown in this example
The first 8 x 8 matrix (col 1 through 8 and row 1 through 8 ) work exactly as expected so I have the resistors, transistors, Arduino basically hooked up correctly.
The Trouble
My problem is the 2nd , 3rd and 4th bank of 8 x 8 LED’s basically mirror the first bank.
When I try and enable Col 9 Row1 for example, I don’t really understand what the display is doing.
I tried to follow the example of how to pass the second and subsequent shift register a value but I don’t understand it. Code "Sample 2.1 Dual Binary Counters" from the tutorial above.
I also found an interesting post here but don’t know how to apply it to my case. I guess I’m missing a fundamental bit (no pun intended)
Here is my code so far.
Any assistance / suggestions greatly appreciated.
// Coloumn Connections
int colLatchPin = 8;
int colClockPin = 12;
int colDataPin = 11;
// Row Connections
int rowLatchPin = 7;
int rowClockPin = 10;
int rowDataPin = 9;
int rowLed [9] = {1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,0};
int colLed [33] = {1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,257,258,260,264,272,288,320,384,513,514,516,520,528,544,576,640,769,770,772,776,784,800,832,896,0};
void setup()
pinMode(colLatchPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(colDataPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(colClockPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(rowLatchPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(rowDataPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(rowClockPin, OUTPUT);
// Turn everything off to start with
updateShiftRegister(rowLatchPin, rowClockPin, rowDataPin, rowLed[8]);
updateShiftRegister(colLatchPin, colClockPin, colDataPin, colLed[32]);
void loop()
for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++)
updateShiftRegister(rowLatchPin, rowClockPin, rowDataPin, rowLed[row]);
for (int col = 0; col < 8; col++)
updateShiftRegister(colLatchPin, colClockPin, colDataPin, colLed[col]);
void updateShiftRegister(int latchPin, int clockPin, int dataPin, int led)
digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW);
shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, led);
digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH);