Multiple SPI devices on one Arduino board

Hello. I found out from multiple articles that you can connect multiple SPI devices to a singular Arduino board, you just need to have a different CS pin. However, people say that by setting one of the CS pins to Low you select which device is active on the SPI. Does that mean that you can't use two SPI devices at the same moment and that you have to turn one off to use the other?
Thank you.

Yes. in short it does. Mind you, your MCU is only doing one thing at a time normally as well.
What kind of SPI devices are you thinking about ?

I want to use two 8x8 LED Matrixes, with the MAX7219 driver. I know that I can connect them between eachother, but I want to place them separately on a car and to display different stuff.

If they are relatively close to each other, you can daisy chain them.

I think that's fine. They are a one-way device. You basically send stuff to 'A' MAX7219 and select which one by switching the CS pin.

I think I will do that or I will connect them in series, thank you guys for the answers.

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