Multiple temperature sensors

Hello Arduino aficionados:

As my first project, I want to build an Arduino device that will allow me to keep track of the ambient temperature at five different locations on my property.

Does anyone already have such a device built? If so, it would please me to purchase the instructions and parts list from you.

Otherwise, some positive direction would help me get moving on my own. I will be running the Arduino on a Linux Mint system.

Please advise. Thank you.

at five different locations on my property.

How far apart are the locations? Indoors? Outdoors? What level of granularity do you need? 1 degree C? 1 degree F? 0.001 degrees F?

I will be running the Arduino on a Linux Mint system.

Is a Linux Mint system some kind of battery? I doubt it. So, I don't see that the PC OS is relevant.

One of the most popular sensors is the Dallas Maxims DS18B20 temperature sensor, available in various pakages; often seen sold in a metal tube and prewired; reasonalble accuracy, performance and cost.

They can be connected individually to a port on the Arduino or all on to one common wire.

Its can be a direct wired system or part of a wireless network.

Check out the Dallas site for its data sheet and the application notes

All that might sound a bit complicated, but if you look in the Arduino site you will find this simple tutorial for using the Ds18b20

If you are looking to deploy the sensors at various points around your property, you'll probably need some sort of RF link to connect to them. There are several options available, but all will probably be challenging if this is your first Arduino project.


I've used the sensors Ricky recommends. I'd go with those.


Dead easy and cheap to connect one or more DS18B20 to an ESP8266 and have a simple web interface over WiFi.

Gentlemen: Thank you for your replies. There are two that will get me going right away.

To Paul S., no, Linux is not a battery, it is an operating system not unlike Windows, but for now more secure against hackers. Also, the sensors will be 8', 10', 28', 40', and 55' from the "receiver" for them.
As close as they seem, each one is in a different environment .

Also, I need to see degrees Fahrenheit, from say -20 to +120

Ricky101, Patduino, and AWOL seem to agree on a sensor setup that I might understand and use, so that is where I shall begin.

Thank you all. Robert, Amarillo, Texas

Hi, Multiple DS18B20 Temperature sensors info and example code HERE


Does the relationship of the sensor locations to the main box allow fore each wired connections ?

The DS18B20 is a serial connection and can be run long distances.

however, you have not defined your sensitivity or accuracy.
If you want to get within a degree, then by all means, the DS18B20 would be the one I would try frist.

Also you gave a range of distances, is that from a center point or from an end point?