Multiple Triggers for MP3 playback

Hey guys,

I'm super new to this and have a project that I need help with. First of all, THANKS to any who takes time to answer this post. I am a music teacher at a high school and we have a door-decorating contest going on. Most doors are exactly what you'd expect; holiday scenes, decorated trees and presents etc. I want to do something with more POP. We polled our admin team and asked for their 3 favorite holiday songs. My jazz ensemble created their own arrangements that are around 30 seconds or so.. (verse-chorus). My goal is to have a picture of the admin attached to our display with a physical button that a student could push that would then play an mp3 of their song. We have a speaker that I'd like to connect to so we'd need a device or addon that has 3.5mm out. We would need some length from the physical button to the soundboard as well so we can space out the photos. Lastly, we'd want the button to push and play the sample. If another button was pushed, the previous song would stop and the next one would start. Any ideas??? Thanks a million! I'm trying to incorporate arranging, recording/producing music, and coding into this project. The students are pumped to learn :slight_smile:

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