Hi all.
I am back to my project and trying to use a cd4067be 16channel multiplexer.
I am feeding 5v from the arduino to Vdd of the mult. And the Vss is going to arduino ground.
I have checked the ABCD pins of the mult and they are reading 0 or 5.07V as they should (signals are coming from arduino pins d2-d5)
I am trying to read Switch 1. (meaning the second switch. so A=1,b=c=d=0). If I check voltage at input pin for Switch 1 on the mult I get 5.07V when the switch is closed and 0V when it is open.
However, when I measure the output pin (pin 1 of the mult) I get values between 2.3 and 5 when closed and 0V when open. As I read this with my DMM the value is slowly rising but stops after a bit. Why dont I get 5v?
The switch in question has a 10K pull down.
I have swapped out the multiplexer without success.