How do you control the fans, using PWM or what else? Does the controller have enough pins for that purpose?
A multiplexer won't help, as long as you risk to loose hall effect signals from the fans. But you can try to poll these signals, instead of using interrupts.
Why do you need interrupts? For speed detection? Also why is the serial using external interrupt pins?
Anyway a MUX will not do, you could AND the 5 signals together with diodes to get a single interrupt then read five pins to see which one caused the interrupt. However there may be problems when 2 or more hall outputs are low at the same time.
How do you control the fans, using PWM or what else? Does the controller have enough pins for that purpose?
A multiplexer won't help, as long as you risk to loose hall effect signals from the fans. But you can try to poll these signals, instead of using interrupts.
For controlling the speed I`m using a Digital potentiometer. And with the Interrupts i would count the number of activations of the sensor(s) in a defined time.
I would connect the Hall efect Sensor to the multiplexers the same way as it is connected in this picture to the arduino And i would like to use the interrupts because of the better accuracy.